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Just thought of something. Ain't no way Jon becomes King. Think about who the current leaders are.


All women. With the trend of women empowerment in film and TV (which I'm all for), you think they going to allow a man to step over all those women and take the throne?

They ain't even let him take out the Night King. They let his little sister do it.

Just saying.
Good episode, but it was a little anticlimactic IMO. I'm cool with Arya killing the NK, but for him to be killed without even having a proper fight was a bit lackluster. All the white walkers dying without putting in any work is also bad.

They just need to burn Winterfell to the ground now. Shit is basically buried in corpses. Who's going to clean that shit up? I don't know what people are talking about saying Cersei isn't a threat though. She might not have been a threat to the combined armies of the North and Dany, but that army has been decimated. The Dothraki were wiped out. Grey Worm's guys were halved at least. Same with the northern warriors. The dragons seem to be injured and Cersei has a dragon killing weapon. It's gonna be ugly for the good guys now.

Two wars this weekend. I give Endgame's the nod though. GoT started off more tense, but in the end, that Endgame battle had more cool moments and Thanos was more gangsta than the NK.
Good episode, but it was a little anticlimactic IMO. I'm cool with Arya killing the NK, but for him to be killed without even having a proper fight was a bit lackluster. All the white walkers dying without putting in any work is also bad.

They just need to burn Winterfell to the ground now. Shit is basically buried in corpses. Who's going to clean that shit up? I don't know what people are talking about saying Cersei isn't a threat though. She might not have been a threat to the combined armies of the North and Dany, but that army has been decimated. The Dothraki were wiped out. Grey Worm's guys were halved at least. Same with the northern warriors. The dragons seem to be injured and Cersei has a dragon killing weapon. It's gonna be ugly for the good guys now.

Two wars this weekend. I give Endgame's the nod though. GoT started off more tense, but in the end, that Endgame battle had more cool moments and Thanos was more gangsta than the NK.

My dude you ain't coming back you gotta live with L even though you died on the show lol.

I'll be real, the night king as a poster and as a character was dope, his minions like that bitch ass @DOS_patos were weak as fuck. That dude been quiet as a fucking mouse, at least @TheNightKing still trying to represent,

Smh all yall are salty as fuck, and we all know what salt does to ice
I repped hoe
Non snow been saved from shit since the show started ...shit is corny.
He know he protected cuz he just stupid
How yall know what color eyes walder frey got? Yall looked into niggas eyes? Ew.

Also brown and green are the most common eye colors. Blue eyes meant night king at that moment but she'd also killed a bunch of wights that had blue eyes. brown and green dont have to mean anyone specific.
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How yall know what color eyes walder frey got? Yall looked into niggas eyes? Ew.

Also brown and green are the most common eye colors. Blue eyes meant night king but she'd also killed a bunch of wights that had blue eyes. brown and blue dont have to mean anyone specific.

She said the line in season 2 and again last night. This is a TV show. Of course she meant somebody specific, you know how these things work.
She said the line in season 2 and again last night. This is a TV show. Of course she meant somebody specific, you know how these things work.
But how many ppl she killed already? Are we to believe none of them had brown or green eyes? Somebody said the waif had blue eyes. How we supposed to know which ones are significant and which ones aint?
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