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I think the whole political situation will change if any humans survive. If i lived in Westeros anywhere outside of Dorne or The Vale id be unhappy. Niggas cant go a decade or two without a crazy ass war over somebody else honor.

Damn that's the USA in a nutshell
I think the whole political situation will change if any humans survive. If i lived in Westeros anywhere outside of Dorne or The Vale id be unhappy. Niggas cant go a decade or two without a crazy ass war over somebody else honor.

Damn that's the USA in a nutshell
I got a feeling that @ the end of the series, they'll move past feudalism/surfdome into something more favorable to the common folk.
I need to go read about Samwell Tarley, his scenes with that girl and baby bore the hell outta me and I fast forward right past them.
I need to go read about Samwell Tarley, his scenes with that girl and baby bore the hell outta me and I fast forward right past them.
If you did for last episode then you missed probly the most important piece of information in the show lol.

I think that's why they did it like that too cuz I was halfway paying attention my damn self til I heard "dorne" then I rewound it.
The next episode leaked but hbo caught it i think. I saw it and nigga it was crazy asf
I'm deciding if I wana see it or not....I've never watched any leaked episodes cuz so far they've all been bad quality. But I heard this one is official with no watermarks...
I'm deciding if I wana see it or not....I've never watched any leaked episodes cuz so far they've all been bad quality. But I heard this one is official with no watermarks...

the last one didnt have watermarks, but it was 420p resolution or something.

i havent seen a link for it, so maybe HBO got to it. I wouldnt mind waiting until sunday this time
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