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Do any of yall fuck with shat On TV?

They do 3 podcasts per ep. through out the week .A quick review,a full review,and a fan mail ep with theories and discussions

They do Westworld too and American Gods
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Like i said....

If miggas weren't up in arms when the high school girl domed Tommy up in Belly....

You have no dog in this fight.....
Like i said....

If miggas weren't up in arms when the high school girl domed Tommy up in Belly....

You have no dog in this fight.....

That chick wasn't raised in front of us on TV,but I don't see a problem with it

Maise Williams is 22 yrs old and takes some risky pictures herself
They wasn't trippin when she did this
I was happy for ol girl cuz it meant I was right about the stark baratheon union lol.

If we was cheering podrick on cuz he got some pussy why we gotta be grossed out about arya

That's MY daughter. So that's why I was grossed out but continue.