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Yall agree?


Nobody is safe
The Red Wedding isn't the name of that ep

Hardhome is the first time we see what the NK can do when Jon tried to get the wildlings and the NK raised his arms and showed what he can do
his mama call him Red Wedding, I'ma call him Red Wedding
goes without saying I need all the Starks to survive this battle.

Other than that i'll be pissed if Tormund, the Hound or Brienne dies.

I think Meissande and Tyrion are safe.. I hope Davos is safe

I think she's safe too, she won't be anywhere near the action
My predictions...

Greyworm, Jamie, Edd, Beric, fat nigga from the Vale, Theon Unsullied and Dothraki niggas are toast.

Bran, Ghost, Gentry, Davos, Tormund, Rhaegal, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, Sansa and Brienne are most likely to maybe.

Jon, Dany, Jorah, lil Mama Mormont, Arya, Sandor, Gilly, Sam, and lil Sam are safe.
Yall agree?

I think Sam and arya are the only for sure ppl that's not gonna die out the whole show.

Arya is GRRM wife's favorite character so she's not allowed to die. And Sam is just one of those characters...next to bran he's probly the most important person on the show now. Bran might "die" and hold it down for the realm but in a he's neither dead nor alive kinda way...he'll ascend to something beyond life or death. Sam gotta be the living version of that.
That chart Goldie posted said dany gonna turn villain, which I actually agree with. I hope it's not lame and they actually do it in a fly way if she does go mad lol.

Hot take: that vision she had in s2 where she's about to touch the throne and then doesnt...if it's in fact ash all over the throne room then Daenerys burned it down. That could go either way tho - the villain way where she's so mad she cant be queen that she's just like fuck all this shit if I cant have it none of yall (jon) can have it....OR it'll be a hero way where she'll actually end up breaking the wheel like she said years ago. If there's no kingdom or iron throne then that means whatever's left of the 7 kingdoms can actually unify instead of 1 person being in charge like it's always been. Targaryens built king's landing with their dragonfire and dany would be ending it with dragonfire.

If it's snow in the throne room and not ash then I have no idea lol
It was a body double
well, i knew that

but there were crazy amount of people online that thought it was really her

just wanted to see who in here was gonna keep it a buck and say they turned away b/c they thought it was her
well, i knew that

but there were crazy amount of people online that thought it was really her

just wanted to see who in here was gonna keep it a buck and say they turned away b/c they thought it was her
I was happy for ol girl cuz it meant I was right about the stark baratheon union lol.

If we was cheering podrick on cuz he got some pussy why we gotta be grossed out about arya
Cuz Arya is like our baby sister
It really did not bother me at all lol. I coulda did without the side boob but I was legit happy it was done in a way that it was totally what arya would do. My girl straight mounted that nigga and put him to sleep.

Fucked up that Arya lost her V card and daryl on The walking dead still ain't touch no parts of no pussy since the zombie apocalypse began