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jesus this thread makes me dislike some of you more and more with every post you make
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Like I said before I'm not interested in arguing danys leadership. I already said these past 2 eps she been on some bullshit.

We talkin bout jon right now. As much as we fuck with jon we gotta keep it a buck and none of the shit he's done thus far has proven he'd make a good king. Not that he cant improve and I'm sure he would with time but being a leader and a king are not the same. And as of right now, he ain't show us he'd make a good king.

Jon is impulsive and one track minded and continually runs toward death to prove his point. Nigga more committed to dying than prove he'll do what it takes to live for the ppl he tryna lead. What good is your leadership if you dead. Bruh went on 3 suicide missions for no reason lol. He tried to kill mance in wildling camp and he woulda died if stannis didnt pull up. He went into the battle of the bastards knowing he didnt have the numbers and didnt heed sansa's advice to wait until they could get more men and not be baited by Ramsay. Sansa knows how he is and had to get the vale involved because jon is retarded. Then that bullshit beyond the wall.

Outside of fighting what is jon really good for? He couldn't even rally the men they did manage to get for battle of the bastards. That was Davos lol. And thanks again to Davos and also Tyrion cuz without them jon wouldn't have no dragonglass. Stannis told jon to send Thorne away cuz keeping him around wasn't wise. What did jon dumbass do? Keep him right there while he plotted a mutiny right in front of his face.

Jon stupid and sansa been a better king than him.

And he's a quitter, quit being the head of the watch and then quit being the king of the north. You put this dude in charge will he still be there when shit get tough

Fire & Blood...Facts & Ether. Deadly combo right there.
you got one more time to invite me to ya man parts before i kick you from the thread

this one joke i dont laugh at
aye hoe.......i didnt say mine......i implied a random

so....are you threatening me with your mod powers, hoe?
If yall think it's gonna be as simple as all the houses coming together to kill the Night King and then go


Yall aint paying attention. The Night King will never die cuz he can easily switch skins and more importantly he is one of them (starks/targ). It's most likely gonna end with another pact.