I saw Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner say the same shit I said - people are mad because it didn't end their way. There was no other way for the show to really end. All the major characters their stories came to an end. Jon didn't want to be king no matter how much we wanted him to be and got what he wanted. Sansa became queen as she always wanted, Arya became a warrior, Cersei and Jaime died, Bran wasn't useless. Tyrion won the game of thrones, Danearys lost, the NK was defeated. Peace was restored.

To me its all about the execution. Its poor writing to have Dany burn KL and then shes dead like 15 mins later, we needed a whole episode at least to see the aftermath (how she would rule, how other people react...needed more time for Jon to struggle with what to do)

then everything after that just fell flat. I dont have a problem with Bran being king its the execution...he should have explained why he is ok with being a king when just this season he didnt want to be a Lord, tyrions speech about a good story was lame as fuck once again the execution

If Jon had to kill dany then there is no way he should have survived...grey worm killing lannisters that have surrendered but he taking jon prisoner for killing his queen wtf???

there are legit complaints for this episode man
I saw Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner say the same shit I said - people are mad because it didn't end their way. There was no other way for the show to really end. All the major characters their stories came to an end. Jon didn't want to be king no matter how much we wanted him to be and got what he wanted. Sansa became queen as she always wanted, Arya became a warrior, Cersei and Jaime died, Bran wasn't useless. Tyrion won the game of thrones, Danearys lost, the NK was defeated. Peace was restored.

Not enough people died. Jon shouldve died grey worm Tyrion. Also alot of it was cheesy. Drogon burning the throne was extra corny. Now in the last episode he has the ability to sense the throne as the problem? Really?!
Gabi just mad cuz Danearys got clapped.
Here we go with the hyperbole masked as a point. The show is over fam Daenerys does not exist this shit is not real lol

If you liked the finale that's fine but the shit wasnt good.
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No it ain't Gabi LOLOLOLOL

It doesn't matter what happened to the Unsullied or in between the time of Jon/Tyrion being in prison.
My nigga wtf do you watch this show for???? The show is called game of thrones and for the first time in history there is no throne or ruler. How do people's immediate reactions to that not matter? You buggin fam lol
Nah you and @TheNightKing LOLOLOLOL y'all were loving the shit until your houses fell. If Dany had been the one to kill Jon and sit on the throne you'd be giving a standing ovation and shitting on all the houses.
Fam I said immediately after ep 5 dany can die lol I didnt care and was speculating who was gonna do it.
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It was never said that Drogon was stupid tho. Drogon was smart enough to know Danearys was in trouble when the sons of the harpy had Danearys surrounded in the pits and on the verge of being killed. It protected her whole crew. It was intelligent enough to take commands and be obedient to Danearys and Jon many times throughout the story and seemed to understand compassion when Jon was making out with Danearys. The writers put these things there for you, y'all just weren't paying attention.

And Drogon was blowing fire all over the room in a fit, the throne just happened to be in the way.

Following orders and knowing somebody is not a threat os one thing. Symbolically destroying the thing that Dany fought her whole life for but not killing Jon the one who did the deed or at least attempt to kill him and realize he couldnt. And having the smarts to know the throne was the issue. But couldnt figure out burning 1000s of people was wrong?

Its bullshit bruh and you know it
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Nah you and @TheNightKing LOLOLOLOL y'all were loving the shit until your houses fell. If Dany had been the one to kill Jon and sit on the throne you'd be giving a standing ovation and shitting on all the houses.
Nah bruh, you got it twisted. I could see this point if the whole fucking world wasn't having this conversation. The shit was bad writing and execution to millions of people!

Like @shutupGabi said, hyperbole masked as a point.

You GOT apologists disgust me. Love the show so much you can't think objectively.

Ol' GOT battered wives club ass niggas.

Ol' "He doesn't mean to hurt me. Actually, if you look at it closely, the signs were there that he was getting frustrated. If you can't see that there was justification for him beating me then you just aren't smart enough to get it" ass niggas.

@Sion , all of your points are very valid and no one would disagree with that.

But the show did a terrible job connecting those dots. And viewers shouldn't have to read the entire history of Westeros to connect the dots. At least 3/4 of the audience should get it offhand and 1/4 be dumbasses that will never get it. Not the other way around.
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You're the one whined for an entire season after I jacked your persona and then after Arya took yo weak ass out. You was hollering how you were done wrong LOLOLOLOL. Dumbass you the one who chose to side with the losing team what did you expect ? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
You still on this gang shit my G? We talking about the quality of the writing and execution of the final season.

If we talking gang shit ain't nothing to discuss with you. You repped the most abhorrent, shady, weakling of the entire series who got his throat slit on his knees, then started house hopping like a bitch.
Bran was chosen by them because the iron throne didn't work and needed to be destroyed a long time ago. It was literally the source of all their problems, nobody wanted to be under it anymore and only a small few were trying to sit on it because it was their "birthright", they wanted to break the wheel and have something different come about that's why they originally got behind Danearys and then Jon. After Bran dies, they have to decide a king which will prolly be decided by the people at some point in the future. This was the entire point of the whole show, the relationship between power and people's struggle for it, that's why the Starks losing and then winning was so meaningful.

Jon was King in the North and even Grey Worm knew that to kill him would cause another war and one they would not win against the whole North. So you can't compare Lannister troops to a King. Grey Worm has never been the cruel type he was always honourable hence why he wanted justice. Jon going to the wall is more disgraceful because of what Jon was meant to be. When Joffrey was killed, Tyrion was apprehended, when Jorah betrayed Danearys he wasn't put to death, when Roose was killed Ramsay wasn't betrayed, same goes for Theon it was thought he killed Bran he was jailed under Ramsay's custody. None of them were killed asap.

The complaints are because people wanted it to end their own way and prolly closer in line to the theories they had.

"They" were cool with the wheel. Only Daenerys had a vision of breaking it cause she essentially wasn't apart of said wheel. Only a small few were trying to sit on it as birthright cause nobody had any fucking birthright and the only one who did didn't want it.

If he was about the justice/murder game he should have washed him. That at least would have made the bran placement as king more logical. Why would they banish jon if greyworm wasn't committed to going to war? He just bluffed them into banishing jon, then dipped out before even confirming he was actually banished? Bad writing.

Tyrion was finna die if Jamie didn't free him. Jorah never really deserved to die behind that shit. She knew full well how devoted he was to her. Roose bolton was a fucking snake so nobody rated Ramsay for that shit. He had numbers, coin, land, and was a genius tactician in the battlefield. Theon had suffered enough in Ramsay's hands and held sansa and bran down at the most critical moments. He died a stark.

You can try to talk around it all you want. This shit was just badly written. I ultimately don't even care that bran is king but for that to come to fruition out of left in the final minutes of the final episode was some fuckshit. People aren't mad about the who and what it's the how.
All jokes aside fam !!! (Y'all know I love ya and all this shit is jokes !)

That's hard to do as a producer and/or writer. You put these things in the episodes and hope people pick up on it. You can't control how people are gonna comprehend things. Game of Thrones is a very complex show with a lot of moving parts. So naturally most people won't pick up your queues. Like from season 5 you could see Danearys flip flopping but you were entranced by her beauty and ambition - as we are with many political figures until it's too late.

Over 10 years can you remember everything you did on a weekly basis? Can you remember every episode in detail ? Especially if you stretch a season wait time 2 years like they did between seasons 7 and 8 ? It's hard man especially when the crew themselves wanted this to be the final season and HBO had to make a compromise and make 6 episodes that were an hour and a half each.
That's their job to remember these things and make sure they hit certain notes so it's clear. At the end of the day, we're here to be entertained, not have to draw a spaghetti diagram to justify what's happening.

Look at Avengers Endgame for an example of how it should be done.
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"They" were cool with the wheel. Only Daenerys had a vision of breaking it cause she essentially wasn't apart of said wheel. Only a small few were trying to sit on it as birthright cause nobody had any fucking birthright and the only one who did didn't want it.

If he was about the justice/murder game he should have washed him. That at least would have made the bran placement as king more logical. Why would they banish jon if greyworm wasn't committed to going to war? He just bluffed them into banishing jon, then dipped out before even confirming he was actually banished? Bad writing.

Tyrion was finna die if Jamie didn't free him. Jorah never really deserved to die behind that shit. She knew full well how devoted he was to her. Roose bolton was a fucking snake so nobody rated Ramsay for that shit. He had numbers, coin, land, and was a genius tactician in the battlefield. Theon had suffered enough in Ramsay's hands and held sansa and bran down at the most critical moments. He died a stark.

You can try to talk around it all you want. This shit was just badly written. I ultimately don't even care that bran is king but for that to come to fruition out of left in the final minutes of the final episode was some fuckshit. People aren't mad about the who and what it's the how.
That last sentence is the key.
What I'm trying to point out to you is the hypocrisy of the characters as it's human nature and again the relationship between power and people. It's all perception because people have ulterior motives of what they want and try to justify with their own sense of morality. Each character is a contrast to real life applications - America says the middle East are where terrorists reside and we have to watch out for weapons of mass destruction but america is the only country to have ever used one.

The audience wanted to see Jon and Grey Worm fight but again there was no need to and if they were going to do things the old way it would have been trial by combat. You have understand, Grey Worm is not in a position to make the call because as much as they're trying to change things there's still that "Illuminati" of people like Sansa, Arya, Bran, Edmure, Samwell, Tyrion, Davos, and whoever was there who were gonna vouch and try to get Jon off. Again relationship between power and people.

Tyrion was just as loyal to Danearys as Jorah was, Tyrion had never sent info to Tywin or KL about Dany, her dragons or whereabouts the way Jorah did. Only thing that separated Jorah and Tyrion was that Jorah loved her. I brought Theon and the examples to show you none of these characters were killed immediately after committing treason.

If you didn't like the finale that's on you man. I have a different perspective on it because I'm adding up everything that happened throughout. The point of game of thrones are all the conflict between the people and wanting power. What makes it so entertaining is the way they all go about it. People all wanted Jon to be King but he didn't want it because of the bullshit that came with it. We wanted Dany to kick ass but we didn't want her to be the villain, we wanted Arya to kill Cersei but she couldn't get to her in time. The ending was left bittersweet which is ultimately what GRRM said how he was gonna end it and that's what we got.

The bolded simply can't be true or your math is wild trash. I ain't going back and forth on some long winded shit. Millions have the same simple complaint. The writing and execution was poor. You keep going on about some other shit.
The point of the show was the relationship between power and people. The Iron throne didn't matter after Cersei sat on it. The solution was to destroy it to "break the wheel". The North wanted independence, the Greyjoys wanted independence since season 1, Littlefinger was bitter AF that he couldn't be a Lord or king because of his birthright so much that he tried to get everyone to turn on each other, the Lannisters represented the wealthy and privileged and all the things wrong with their society. The Boltons turned on the Starks because they were tired of being ruled by their honour, the wildlings wanted to go where it was safe at the behest of the hypocritical night's watch.

All of these things were to live a better life. Most of the stories were done at that point in the season and the only thing that needed to go was the very thing they were all fighting over. The story does a lot of imitation of real life. The contrast and comparisons are there because it was apart of history with the War of Roses which is what Game of Thrones is based on.
Lmao the throne is a metaphor. It's not literally about the chair it's about the power and proximity to it. Cersei had 0 claim to throne, but until someone came and took it from her she was the queen and everybody recognized it as such. Daenerys literally never sat on the throne but no one could argue she was the queen for however short lived it was. There is no longer a throne but bran is the king now.

Sam proposed democracy where everyone would get a vote and he was laughed out the dragonpit. The only opinions that decided who was gonna rule next are the leaders of the 6 kingdoms ie the people with the most proximity to power.

All those people decided amongst themselves that they needed to instate a ruler and a system that would benefit the country. The throne matters but who is on and around it matters more.

You going all around the world to make points the show never answered for us. In the real world when a king or queen is murdered, the person responsible is not able to walk out with their life. You not gon convince me that niggas who kill for sport woulda let jon sit in a cell for a trial.

And if they did, what circumstances made them abide by that? Who orchestrated the meeting with those particular people? Tyrion the only one of them that speaks English and he was also in a cell. So how did word get out Daenerys was dead?

Those are examples of the gaps we needed filled in to add layers to the meeting. A fuckin queen was murdered and the capital of the country is being occupied by her army. An army that nobody in Westeros can beat mind you...A time jump at that moment was wack and a cop out and you know it.
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He gave the swords to the guards outside of Tyrion's cell. When he left Tyrion, they gave them back. They only took them cause you don't let someone visit a prisoner armed lest the prisoner be given the weapons or take them.
I know they took his swords but I didnt see them give them back. And if they did why tf would they take his swords to see Tyrion and not when he was walking up on Dany. Lol stupid as fuck.