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What show were you watching? All Westeros ever did was take losses? You think there was going to be some peaceful resolution to all of this? They literally been fighting the whole series. If it didn't go down this way, there would have just been more war, and more people would have died anyway. This way. You sacrifice one city, get rid of a tyrant and tyrant to be, get rid of the invaders, get the North the independence it wanted, and install a king that knows exactly what to do to set the realm in the right direction.

They could have killed dany and Cersei without all that bloodshed. You need to go ahead and ask yourself that question.
You don't sacrifice 1000s of unarmed innocents for peace. Get that dumb shit outta here.
And niggas hate Littlefinger ...
They could have killed dany and Cersei without all that bloodshed. You need to go ahead and ask yourself that question.
You don't sacrifice 1000s of unarmed innocents for peace. Get that dumb shit outta here.
Send arya in to kill Cersei, poison dany wine after battle of winterfell, release the DMs of jons parentage, make jon king so he can say he dont want it and pass it to bran. Same result no unnecessary lives lost fuck bran lol
I'm still buggin' off the fact that they let the guy in friggin' chains who betrayed 2 out of the 3 major houses dictate who was gonna be the next king and how their government was going to run.

That shit will never ever make sense.

Well actually with Dany dead and Tyrion still the hand even though he quit is the next highest ranking person to make a decision in what's next only because Dany still won the throne and Grey Worm and them wasn't leaving KL until they got shit straight or there would be another war.

Tyrion was charged with treason but it wasn't like Varys and they don't know that he told Jon to kill Dany

Even though Grey Worm was mad at Tyrion,he still was a dude he rolled with for years.
They could have killed dany and Cersei without all that bloodshed. You need to go ahead and ask yourself that question.
You don't sacrifice 1000s of unarmed innocents for peace. Get that dumb shit outta here.

How? How could they have killed both of them without all that bloodshed? And how do you know that would have ended the bloodshed? Given what we've seen so far, it would just lead to more succession wars. Not to mention that both Cersei and Dany had armies and we know for a fact that Dany's army would have fought to the death to avenge her.

Send arya in to kill Cersei, poison dany wine after battle of winterfell, release the DMs of jons parentage, make jon king so he can say he dont want it and pass it to bran. Same result no unnecessary lives lost fuck bran lol

When in the history of Westeros has shit ever worked that easily. Robert got killed by a boar and that shit led to a war between 5 different factions. If you read the books, you know every time rulers have just up and died, it's always resulted in huge wars. There was no way this ended without lots of people dying. If you don't see that, you are basically ignoring every bit of history they've showed you about Westeros.
How? How could they have killed both of them without all that bloodshed? And how do you know that would have ended the bloodshed? Given what we've seen so far, it would just lead to more succession wars. Not to mention that both Cersei and Dany had armies and we know for a fact that Dany's army would have fought to the death to avenge her.

When in the history of Westeros has shit ever worked that easily. Robert got killed by a boar and that shit led to a war between 5 different factions. If you read the books, you know every time rulers have just up and died, it's always resulted in huge wars. There was no way this ended without lots of people dying. If you don't see that, you are basically ignoring every bit of history they've showed you about Westeros.

Nigga did you watch arya kill off a whole set by poisoning.
Wash a gang of walkers on the ones then stealth the night king?

Shut the fuck up.
Nigga did you watch arya kill off a whole set by poisoning.
Wash a gang of walkers on the ones then stealth the night king?

Shut the fuck up.

Nigga how does killing a relatively small house in short order and killing a magic ice demon who is the lifeline for his entire army compare to ending a confrontation between two huge armies and all the potential fallout from other parties?

It doesn't. You're just throwing shit at the wall hoping it will stick. Also, I thought you don't even like engaging me in discussion. If this is the best you got, go back to ignoring me fuck nigga.
You mean her eliminating the biggest army on the planet? Man shit... you right. Back to ignore you go lil nigga.
You right my nigga. I forgot. If you killed Dany her dragon, the Unsullied, and the Dothraki would all die automatically. If you killed Cersei, the Lannister forces, the royal army, and the Golden Company would have all died automatically too. Wait, no, none of that would've have happened, so bringing that up is as stupid a point as you are a poster.
Here's my question for everyone because I hear a lot of complaining but no solutions.

How would you have liked Game of Thrones to end ? What outcome were you originally expecting ??

Im no writer so this is probably terrible but i thought the shit coulda went something like:

-the night king wins winterfell. The key players escape through tunnels (i believe i read bran the builder had built secret tunnels so bran could show them. Nice lil connection between bran the builder and bran "the broken")

-realm is pretty much on the run. Nk brings winter to the entire realm. they try to save as many people as they can in the vale and riverlands but they eventually end up at kings landing. Cersei agrees to take them in. KL turns into one big refugee camp.

-cersei double crosses and turns people to human shields against the aotd while she tries to escape. Dany is forced to burn the city to save essential people.

-they make a final stand somewhere around dorne. Whats left of the kingdoms fight together. Arya kills NK (we learn more about the aotd the entire time).

-Cersei is finally captured and beheaded. Dany is so disillusioned she abdicates and burns the throne. She sets west (i guess jon could go with her or he could travel far north) with the promise that those who she leaves and are living will build a better world. Bran is selected as the new king with similar court. Sansa wins independence for the north and goes to rebuild. The end.

Obviously im missing a bunch of stuff and some of this couldnt happen. But you get at essentially the same spot as what actually happened in the finale.
Im no writer so this is probably terrible but i thought the shit coulda went something like:

-the night king wins winterfell. The key players escape through tunnels (i believe i read bran the builder had built secret tunnels so bran could show them. Nice lil connection between bran the builder and bran "the broken")

-realm is pretty much on the run. Nk brings winter to the entire realm. they try to save as many people as they can in the vale and riverlands but they eventually end up at kings landing. Cersei agrees to take them in. KL turns into one big refugee camp.

-cersei double crosses and turns people to human shields against the aotd while she tries to escape. Dany is forced to burn the city to save essential people.

-they make a final stand somewhere around dorne. Whats left of the kingdoms fight together. Arya kills NK (we learn more about the aotd the entire time).

-Cersei is finally captured and beheaded. Dany is so disillusioned she abdicates and burns the throne. She sets west (i guess jon could go with her or he could travel far north) with the promise that those who she leaves and are living will build a better world. Bran is selected as the new king with similar court. Sansa wins independence for the north and goes to rebuild. The end.

Obviously im missing a bunch of stuff and some of this couldnt happen. But you get at essentially the same spot as what actually happened in the finale.
Hmmm this is interesting.
Now that it's over, what are your top 5 episodes?

Mine are:

The Mountain and The Viper
The Red Wedding
Battle of the Bastards
Baelor (Season 1, episode 9 where Ned is beheaded).
The Red Wedding
Battle of the Bastards
Blackwater episode(s)
Whichever episode Joffrey died in
Whichever episode the Night's Watch first fought the walkers in the North