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Future & Mumble Rap's Ironic Origin

Debating social issues is cool, but HIPHOP? You have to have a certain level of hiphop knowledge for me to even take u serious
When I think of musical genuis, I think of Yeezy, Dr. Dre, Babyface, R.Kelly... Tell why Future on the same ranks as these people?
Shit's all subjective but imo dude dropped ds1, ds2, monster, beast mode, 56 nights, and honest. Those are all classic albums/mixtapes, impact is undeniable and chart success is unquestionable.

Musical genius in my book
The dude created the style/sound that everybody in the biggest music genre has been emulating for atleast half a decade, that alone makes him a musical genius.

But that's besides the point, it's deeper than that, I need Race to answer my question.
Debating social issues is cool, but HIPHOP? You have to have a certain level of hiphop knowledge for me to even take u serious

That sounds condescending. True enough you may be indulged and have a wider range of your knowledge of hip hop and it's credits, but that doesn't mean I don't understand dif levels of artistry. Im asking you this bc maybe it's something Im missing that you may be able to show me. Im listening so preach.
That was more of general statement, but I'm here to teach:yup:.

I'll explain more once Race can answer that question, unless u had others?
My questions will come after your answer is received, YG. I will be waiting, dirtbag.:evil::sayword: