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Friends star Matthew Perry dead at 54

wtf is going on here???!!!

Some of yall didnt kno this dude was a known coke head

Others didnt kno them friends cacs made BANK. Like bannnnnnkkkkkk.

Yall out of the mf loop fr fr
Friends was created by 2 Jews who stole the show's premise from A Living Single wjich was created by a black woman.

Our law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... authorities found anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and a COPD drug in the house. COPD is short for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -- that drug is often used for people who have emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Matthew was a smoker during his life. The L.A. County Coroner will conduct a toxicology exam to determine if any drugs were in Perry's system, but that could take months.
My cousin used to watch it so much when she came over so i ended uo watched it . I liked the show some ep were boring but it was good .
Saw someone sharing a pic saying he died. I brushed it off as one of those fake celeb death things.

He’s young to have passed. RIP
These two shows came out only a few months apart, though.

It appears that the whites literally stole Living Single’s premise.

It’s not like a reboot or an American version of some comedy from the U.K.

They stole the idea from Living Single.

Y'all are both right. Majority of TV shows are just reworked versions of each other even down to the episodes. Think about how many times you saw the "pool shark episode", "church episode", "identical twin cousin episode", "home gets robbed episode" etc. Most TV shows are just the same shit over and over.

The thing with Living Single and Friends is that supposedly one of the producers/creators saw Living Single and said "I wish I'd thought of that first" and a year later Friends is on TV. Part of the difference was Fox still being a younger and newer network so they didn't have the same money to put behind shows but the main thing is the premise of Friends is a direct carbon copy of Living Single.