French Actor Juicy Smolièr Found Guilty of Staging Hate Crime

White dudes get to cry about being lied on during black history munff now.

It's on sight for the next light skinned nigga I see.
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She said it's not her job to go after white men. She said that.

Well she left that to white women. But what black man did she specifically target? Bill Cosby got caught up before the metoo movement. What examples on the streets? Cuz only thing i see yall whine about is r kelly
Well she left that to white women. But what black man did she specifically target? Bill Cosby got caught up before the metoo movement. What examples on the streets? Cuz only thing i see yall whine about is r kelly
So saying its not your job to go after white men ..even white men who abused black women is OK?
How does that help stop predator behavior?
Sounds selective.
So saying its not your job to go after white men ..even white men who abused black women is OK?
How does that help stop predator behavior?
Sounds selective.

Selective like most people and their concern for the metoo movement. Making up lies saying uts targeting black men
On another note though...that BlackAuthority page somebody posted a screenshot for...whoever runs that page is just as crazy as those right-wing Trump nuts if you actually look it. Be careful who look for to support the shit you're saying. The page is damn near nothing but negative shit about any black public person who doesn't agree w/ what they say
So people fighting for social justice is a bad thing? Do some of ya'll even realize this shit you talk against?

It ain't about social justice. It's about hash tags, likes, and comments. The shit is a fuckin farce, it's a bunch of people jacking each other off so everyone feels good 'cause they think they've done something but at the end of the day nothing tangible results from it except breeding more hatred.
It makes me believe that Jussie did think he would be written off and he used the attack to garner sympathy to retain his role and it flipped on him.

Because if not, then why? Nothing else can make sense. He ain’t saving face and he fucked his whole career.
I remember hearing Lee Daniels say that no one on the show knows ahead of time when they get killed
On another note though...that BlackAuthority page somebody posted a screenshot for...whoever runs that page is just as crazy as those right-wing Trump nuts if you actually look it. Be careful who look for to support the shit you're saying. The page is damn near nothing but negative shit about any black public person who doesn't agree w/ what they say

it almost makes me averse to even payin attention to anything with black in the title because of how people use that shit as a manipulation tool and over compensation because they know many people will eat it up because they think its "on code.". when its just fucking stupid
It makes me believe that Jussie did think he would be written off and he used the attack to garner sympathy to retain his role and it flipped on him.

Because if not, then why? Nothing else can make sense. He ain’t saving face and he fucked his whole career.
I'm probably a season behind. I don't know why he's being written off. His character was great. He has a good voice. I guess they could have ruined his character in the one season I've missed. If his idea was to garner sympathy to keep his job then why stage this in Chicago at 2am in the freezing cold?
A grand jury will hear the Jussie Smollett case early next week ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Law enforcement sources connected to the investigation tell TMZ, the 2 brothers who were arrested and then released are staying somewhere around the Loop in downtown Chicago under the watchful eye of police so no one gets to them. We're told cops especially want to make sure Jussie does not contact the brothers.


We're told when police raided the home of the 2 brothers they found magazines with pages torn out, and authorities are now trying to determine if the missing pages are connected to the threatening letter that was sent to Jussie 8 days before the alleged attack.

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he'd sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we're told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints.

Our sources say although cops believe the brothers purchased the rope that was around Jussie's neck after the incident, there is no surveillance video at the hardware store because it erases after a week.

We're told the way they tracked the 2 brothers down was by their movements in arriving and leaving the scene around Jussie's apartment building. As we reported, they left in either a cab or an Uber, but we're told cops tracked the vehicle and the 2 brothers got out on their way home and into another vehicle. As one source put it, "It was almost like a bad spy movie."

The sources say there were red flags from the get-go. Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.

And, there's this. We're told investigators didn't believe the 2 alleged attackers screamed, "This is MAGA country," because, "Not a single Trump supporter watches 'Empire.'"

And, a few loose ends ... we're told when cops picked up the 2 brothers at O'Hare Airport, police were armed with 3 warrants for each man, one of which was to seize their phones.

We're also told there is no video of a "rehearsal" of the attack in the street.

Jussie and his lawyer have vehemently denied the attack was staged, maintaining this was a hate crime.
It ain't about social justice. It's about hash tags, likes, and comments. The shit is a fuckin farce, it's a bunch of people jacking each other off so everyone feels good 'cause they think they've done something but at the end of the day nothing tangible results from it except breeding more hatred.

What you're talking about is performative activism and those people annoy everybody and eventually expose themselves with their lack of action. That's completely different from social justice issues and calling those bullshit when they literally affective our daily live.