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Former Dolphins HC Brian Flores is suing the NFL, teams for racial discrimination

You think dude is a "fraud" tho???

I mean u can disagree w his tactics or exact moves. But fraud seems harsh imo

I get what you're saying, but the bottom line is he was holding evidence and was bribed to silence. If he was a regular guy... ok. But you can't go that hard to portray yourself as a martyr, then do what he did. I mean, I call him a fraud for other stuff too, but this is part of it.
I feel like given who he portrays himself to be, he can't take a payday in exchange for not exposing racism and black people being treated unfairly. And evidence makes a big difference. Sterling and Richardson lost ownership of their franchises because of it. We want minority owners, but won't take an opportunity to open up a seat by removing PROVEN racist?

THIS guy took the hush money to not expose the racists?

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But when I say i think he's a fraud you've seen what I get back.
Kill ‘em wit it!

they get it. The man took a knee to bring light to unjust abuse by the hands of the police.
but he don’t want to bring light to the abuse of the nfl?
Anyone know if he agrees with families taking hush money after their loved one gets killed. That’s who he took a knee for right?

Almost the same shit to me.

and if all that ain’t enough…..this nigga puts out a who show shifting in the people he still wanted to work for.
sorry but I stood with him in the beginning.. took knees at European games in support.
tooked my shit for him. Got a jersey to wear at the London game in support(missed the game).

I believed his mission.
He let me and a lot of black people down activist fraudung.

Y’all just don’t see it yet
Kap was protesting against police brutality not the NFL. He always maintained that he wished to continue his career and at no point ever gave any indication that he wished to take down the NFL.

Any ill-gotten feelings are born out of disappointment that people have that he didnt engage in their wish fulfillment. He sued them for loss wages as a result of their black balling him and he got paid for it. He won.
Kap was protesting against police brutality not the NFL. He always maintained that he wished to continue his career and at no point ever gave any indication that he wished to take down the NFL.

Any ill-gotten feelings are born out of disappointment that people have that he didnt engage in their wish fulfillment. He sued them for loss wages as a result of their black balling him and he got paid for it. He won.
Kaep was doing much more than speaking against PB
Kap was protesting against police brutality not the NFL. He always maintained that he wished to continue his career and at no point ever gave any indication that he wished to take down the NFL.

Any ill-gotten feelings are born out of disappointment that people have that he didnt engage in their wish fulfillment. He sued them for loss wages as a result of their black balling him and he got paid for it. He won.
He didn’t really win.
police brutality is bigger him. Yet he stood against it. It cost him something. Because them people stood together against him.
Then it became gigantic.
he Stood against those that didn’t have a voice against the police but choose to silence his own voice for those in the nfl that didn’t have a voice.
He got his pay and rolled out. But what about those that couldn’t reach his level of attention or went without but couldn’t fight back.

THEY stood together against him.
Yet he backed down and made a disgrace of his workout. And he got back pay.

Is kap a hero still….so is them blm chicks and umar.

Not about hating him or not. It's about being consistent on your shit. If you believe it's a bad move to take hush money instead of exposing the racist practices of the higher ups in the NFL, then believe that. If you think there's nothing wrong with taking the hush money, then believe that.

Just don't think it's bitchin up if Flores does it, but ok for other people to do.

@DOS_patos isn't switching up. He's always said that's not the move. I just don't remember him getting as much support when he said it about Kaepernick.
The problem is you forgot what the point of Collin was. He kneeled to protest against the killing of unarmed blacks by police offers. Whatever he did with his collusion case is irrelevant and not important to that cause. I get what you are saying, but it does not matter whatsoever yet you keep holding on to it for some weird reason.

Another thing. Brian Flores and Kaep situation are not related at all
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Kaep was doing much more than speaking against PB

His own words says different.

He didn’t really win.
police brutality is bigger him. Yet he stood against it. It cost him something. Because them people stood together against him.
Then it became gigantic.
he Stood against those that didn’t have a voice against the police but choose to silence his own voice for those in the nfl that didn’t have a voice.
He got his pay and rolled out. But what about those that couldn’t reach his level of attention or went without but couldn’t fight back.

THEY stood together against him.
Yet he backed down and made a disgrace of his workout. And he got back pay.

Is kap a hero still….so is them blm chicks and umar.

He won the lawsuit is what I meant, he sued because he was blackballed and as such lost earnings. He won by getting paid. He did not sue to take down the NFL, despite what folks may have wanted. He took that money and put it into the community work he is still doing. I think its a question of what would be enough? Sacrificing his multi-million dollar career, using his global platform to elevate the issues of underserved people, donating millions to charitable causes, giving his time and voice to help people? He did that.

We gonna twist ourselves to find fault with a man who actually did all of those things? And if the answer is yes, then why should anybody else pick up that baton if they seen him getting twice the criticism as others who do half as much?
The problem is you forgot what the point of Collin was. He kneeled to protest against the killing of unarmed blacks by police offers. Whatever he did with his collusion case is irrelevant and not important to that cause. I get what you are saying, but it does not matter whatsoever yet you keep holding on to it for some weird reason.

Another thing. Brian Flores and Kaep situation are not related at all

I think you're misremembering why he took a knee. Police brutality was one of the things he named specifically, but he said plenty of times he was kneeling because people weren't getting equal opportunities and to fight oppression.

Trying to silence those that speak up for the rights of people, is oppression. What the NFL did to him (allegedly I guess...I never got to see his evidence), falls in line with what he knelt for. Taking the money to remain silent protected the oppressors.

Him and Flores situations have plenty in common ever since Flores went public with his complaints.
Is it a fact he wore akunta kente shirt to practice?
Is it also a fact he change practice venue at the last minute?
Is it true he then said the nfl should stop running because he’s ready for a job? While west a kunta kente shirt…implying he’s a slave, yet want the slave owners to hire him?

that sounds like a man who ain’t serious.
Si was his overall cause serious.

I don't know if he was serious you feel he wasn't cool. I got no issue with that. None of all that you typed has anything to do with my point. You know that already though.

My only point is people don't know what was in the texts. Yet Kap and his lawyers did. They felt it was best he take the settlement. Yet folks trashing his name without ever knowing what he knew. Yes I would've liked the texts to be released as well but I nor anybody who hasn't talked to him know all that he factored in to make the decision that he did. So all the shit you and others are talking about ain't based in fact when comes to the settlement.

Your stance here makes sense for you based on the shit on in that investing thread. At least you ain't flip flopping about the shit you be on. That's not a shot at you even though I disagree. I respect the fact you ain't flip flopping.
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His own words says different.

He won the lawsuit is what I meant, he sued because he was blackballed and as such lost earnings. He won by getting paid. He did not sue to take down the NFL, despite what folks may have wanted. He took that money and put it into the community work he is still doing. I think its a question of what would be enough? Sacrificing his multi-million dollar career, using his global platform to elevate the issues of underserved people, donating millions to charitable causes, giving his time and voice to help people? He did that.

We gonna twist ourselves to find fault with a man who actually did all of those things? And if the answer is yes, then why should anybody else pick up that baton if they seen him getting twice the criticism as others who do half as much?

Lmao. If you think that’s all Kaep was fighting against well so be it.

He was doing much more than that and deserves props.
I forgot who said it but I remember some former player or coach said the Rooney rule was a sham and was more of a hindrance cause they would call the same black person to interview just to check off the box damn well knowing they weren’t going to hire anybody black to begin with.

I don’t understand why Dolphin owner would ask to tank games. They were winning and Brian Flores had them above .500. NFL not like NBA. Having a high draft picks don’t automatically mean your team going to be good.

Bc they wanted Tua.