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Fellas, How do you balance working and fatherhood?

i think they get sad when i go to my night job, but their asses need to be in bed anyway...

but yea it's tough....

i play with them as much as i can during the day though....

my job is day job is mad flexible.. so i walk my son to school every day, pick him up as much as i can if my wife not available...

Man, my 11 has really matured a lot over this summer break

I'm super proud of her and sad at the same time I put her in this situation

I'm a take her to get a mani pedi this weekend.
Man, my 11 has really matured a lot over this summer break

I'm super proud of her and sad at the same time I put her in this situation

I'm a take her to get a mani pedi this weekend.
you mean you gonna get a mani and pedi and bringing her along
I'm on the road traveling today wanted my son to come with but he wanted to chill. I think he's in the stage where he's too cool to hang with pop. When he was younger nigga was my shadow lol.
I'm on the road traveling today wanted my son to come with but he wanted to chill. I think he's in the stage where he's too cool to hang with pop. When he was younger nigga was my shadow lol.
he might be at that....sneaking girls over stage
My parents brought my 5yo daughter a bike and it's still in Chicago

So I went and got her one for the house. As she riding thru the store ppl are asking if it's her birthday and she legit confused like nah, my birthday January.

These are the times when I enjoy fatherhood. Being able to get em shit just cause.
My parents brought my 5yo daughter a bike and it's still in Chicago

So I went and got her one for the house. As she riding thru the store ppl are asking if it's her birthday and she legit confused like nah, my birthday January.

These are the times when I enjoy fatherhood. Being able to get em shit just cause.
but is she taller than you tho
I see it as I don't have a choice so ain't no point in thinking about how hard it is. Got 3 kids 4-13, soccer, theater, gymnastics, all that. I volunteer assistant coach soccer, work, etc.
Being in the Navy unfortunately comes with some sacrifices I’d rather not do. Normally I work nights so during the week I work from 3:30 PM to sometimes 12, 1 AM. Kids sleep when I get home so I try to be up in the morning early as I can to spend sometime with them. If they were in public school this year I’d barely see them during the week. It’s kinda the blessing of them being home schooled this year but it’s probably not gonna last past this year. If I have to go on detachment I’m gone for at most a month or so and the very least two weeks.

It will only get worse once I go on sea duty probably later this year (plus we might move from VA again). I try to be there as much as I can but I know it’s gonna be more difficult the next few years.

Whats your rate bro
Delicate balance.

Im super involved...cause my pops always prioritized work over all....thats not what mine are gonna remember about me

Them extracurriculars will wear you out tho
It can be difficult to find a balance, especially in my situation where I have my first child and I have to balance those hats you know? I have to learn to carve out at least an hour each day during the week for family time and put the phone down
One more thing I would like to recommend to all the fathers is that find what is successful regarding fatherhood and put your own spin on it. While you may be in great standing with your circle or anybody you hold in high regard; if they've never been a parent, then you know without me telling you how much their opinion is worth regarding fatherhood. Stay true to what you believe in as a father and be willing to change what's not working