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Fellas, How do you balance working and fatherhood?

I'm 4 days on and 3 off. During school year I take my son to school on my days off and during the summer time he stays with me when I'm off.
My 11 yo been asking for a new basketball. Our rim on a tree so I got a goal post and ball and we spent the last 30 mins or so balling. Had to Shawn Kemp her a couple times to let her know I still got it. She’s a good shooter, gonna spend the summer on her handles (she carries and double dribbles something crazy)

Of course the other 2 couldn’t leave the store emptied handed, so I got them a baseball and some gloves. Gonna play catch with them tomorrow.

All in all, my legs are fucking shot!
I got myself a junior, he's 6. He was born a couple weeks after my first wedding anniversary. From the jump his mom was numero uno bc she was taking college courses online and I worked like crazy.

Fast forward to now and you rarely see us apart. Was just he and I for the better part of the last 2 years until his mom moved back near us.

He is my everything. All I do, day in and day out, is to make him a better individual than me. He's smart af, plays an instrument, wants to play sports, draws/paints most days and is interested in learning different languages.

Tbh this shit ain't easy at all. We have no family where we're at and babysitters have the audacity to charge like they have a master's degree in baby watching. My social life almost is non-existent. And I have to plan weeks in advance if I want some cuts-up.

But I'd be lying if it wasn't all worth it. To hear him yell, "DAD! it's you!!", when I pick him up like I didn't just see him earlier that day, gives me a feeling no drug or woman can.

So yeah, it sucks to be socially and often times emotionally unavailable to the public. But his growth and development mean more to me.
I Lost It right here
It's not the easiest sometimes but I wouldn't trade my son for the world! He's 2 and he's learning so much and so fast. I work two jobs one during the day and the other at night. He drives my wife crazy with his energy.

To answer the question, I keep things balanced by playing with my son, reading to him and teaching him whatever I can. When he and my wife goes to sleep, I'm watching tv, listening to music, playing my PS4 or smoking a little weed. My second job also brings me balance because it's at night and I'm physically active. I listening to music while I work and I think a lot.
Man, my 13 yo had her cycle yesterday. Was one of the most nerve wrecking convos I had with her because she was super cool about it. I think her mom did a great job preparing her. I was stuttering and asking all the wrong questions but she lead the convo and assured me she good and that she understood what it meant. I don’t know if it’s her beach attitude; being born in hawaii, raised on south beach, living in Cali now, but she the most laid back child I’ve never known. She so me when I was high lol

Now I gotta do this 3 more times smh
2 more times smh.

My 11yo cycle started last week. She was in NYC at the time (finally coming home today) and did NOT want to talk about it over the phone. She not laid back like my 13yo, she is animated as fuck so I expect a long conversation. I wanna bring my 5yo in on the convo but I'm not sure if it's to soon or what. I'm really her they mom said everything last week when it first happened and all I gotta do is stay calm and listen

Dope bump @AP21
2 more times smh.

My 11yo cycle started last week. She was in NYC at the time (finally coming home today) and did NOT want to talk about it over the phone. She not laid back like my 13yo, she is animated as fuck so I expect a long conversation. I wanna bring my 5yo in on the convo but I'm not sure if it's to soon or what. I'm really her they mom said everything last week when it first happened and all I gotta do is stay calm and listen

Dope bump @AP21
@Remedy inspired me to bump this with her motherhood thread

but yea, i think there arent enough outlets for men to discuss the day to day challenges they face with raising their children
i think of my biggest frustrations with being a dad is how mothers seem to think that their bond with the children is threatened by the bond with the father

like they feel its impossible for the child to love both parents simultaneously but equally
@Remedy inspired me to bump this with her motherhood thread

but yea, i think there arent enough outlets for men to discuss the day to day challenges they face with raising their children
i think its because alot of dudes are hands off.......

i glad to know there are dudes out here doing the right thing tho..

props to all who are involved.

at times i do understand how the ladies feel.....when the other parent aint shit and you gotta do everything. but they try to take credit for being a parent when they do small shit.

shit we need a parental venting thread....i bet ill fill that bitch up by myself
i think of my biggest frustrations with being a dad is how mothers seem to think that their bond with the children is threatened by the bond with the father

like they feel its impossible for the child to love both parents simultaneously but equally
i have been there....

my sons mom tried her best to break the bond. that was the reason her and i fought so much....she wanted to be the best parent....i just wanted to be a parent,.
it was always some competition shit that i was unaware of until she wanted to throw it in my face.
everything still pretty calm rn....my oldest is only 7

I've finally learned how to stay out of beefs w/ them and they mama tho

used to intervene every day until I realized they're all women and are gonna do that shit regardless

they be snappin early in the morning and im just like

i have been there....

my sons mom tried her best to break the bond. that was the reason her and i fought so much....she wanted to be the best parent....i just wanted to be a parent,.
it was always some competition shit that i was unaware of until she wanted to throw it in my face.

i've tried to communicate this several times

its not a competition

there are times when my daughter is with me and she'll say "i want my mommy"...i tell her, "its ok baby, you'll see her in a couple of days, you and daddy are having fun right now"...within 5 min, she's usually calm

but i'm working with her in these moments to express herself instead of just pouting and whining
everything still pretty calm rn....my oldest is only 7

I've finally learned how to stay out of beefs w/ them and they mama tho

used to intervene every day until I realized they're all women and are gonna do that shit regardless

they be snappin early in the morning and im just like

im telling you...this dude needs to be a comedian....

every post damn near be hilarious

i've tried to communicate this several times

its not a competition

there are times when my daughter is with me and she'll say "i want my mommy"...i tell her, "its ok baby, you'll see her in a couple of days, you and daddy are having fun right now"...within 5 min, she's usually calm

but i'm working with her in these moments to express herself instead of just pouting and whining
man i was always accused of trying to buy my kids from by the mothers.
like if they do good in school.....we celebrate.
they take a language we going to the country that has native speaker and you gonna practice.

then i get texts that thats not helping them and i need to spend quality time with them, and i cant throw money at everything.

im like its only me and the child....wtf?

shit i had amber alert called on me...for trying to take my son to florida.


im so glad i am out of those days
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I hate being away on business

Sent my 3 yr old a T Rex he been buggin me about, should arrive today. Cant wait to talk to him later on after he gets it

My youngest daughter, 15, at U of M right now for an engineering camp. They have a showcase and closing ceremony tomorrow and Ima miss it. Im legit angry about it.
I hate being away on business

Sent my 3 yr old a T Rex he been buggin me about, should arrive today. Cant wait to talk to him later on after he gets it

My youngest daughter, 15, at U of M right now for an engineering camp. They have a showcase and closing ceremony tomorrow and Ima miss it. Im legit angry about it.
been there too.....

i would end up working overtime just to be able to catch a flight back so i wouldnt miss to much.
i even moved things to the weekend so i can be home during the week.
it was a job just to try to make every play, every performance, every game.
my schedule was a bit more flexible than yours....more power to you tho.