My momma is a rider when it comes to family, that's all I can say. She makes it look so sweet and innocent, though. Gotta laugh as I think about it now.
Schizo cousin out there, running wild doing who knows what in some part of the country. Aunt/uncle hid that from everybody, even me, for years. We was cousin best friends and shit. They still keeping it on the hush.
Couple of uncles were some gangsters, but that's hood tales for as I know. One went on the run, had the kind of enemies cops can't save you from. Grandma, dad's mother, was into black magic.... according to my mother.
And if military service counts, damn near ever living male in my family is a killer. They never talk about it. Dad straight up told me when I tried to reach out one day, "You never done it, you wouldn't understand. So nothing to talk about." Bonding moment failed. That shit was some ether I had to respect.