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Poll Fair or foul: attacking a man from behind

Was the push from behind fair or foul?

  • Fair: cheap shot for cheap shot

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • Foul: it's cowardly to attack from behind

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • Ehh, I'm on the fence

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
The problem is eventually someone has to man up and resolve the situation. Doing what someone does to you doesn’t always work well in the end
Maybe but I'm not gonna tell someone how to respond.
Real spill, if you were a referee, would you only request to call games at predominantly black schools?
Fuck all that

Race aside...Bottom line, pushing someone from behind is cowardly

I don't understand why that's not agreed on
I’m speaking in general here..

If a nigga had an issue with me, whether it was something I did, or something he’s just choosing to do, I’ll try to talk out the situation first and if that doesn’t work imma tell him to square the fuck up and imma beat his ass with no remorse..

If someone sneak attacks me and tries to get away with it, imma jump on him whether it seems fair or foul. So if I end up doing some dirty shit so be it.

Other than that I do my best to walk away from situations. Some dudes try to “bait” you on some passive aggressive shit by making it seem like it’s cool to be disrespectful because they feel some type of way about you. They like to pull the victim card