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Fair or foul: 18 yo teen kills Transgender after going home with her and finding out she was a man.

That's why when ppl scream about trans during this police brutality shit I'm like "but why did the trans get killed?"

Either they are killed by
1. a very angry bigot,which is wrong

2. A lover in domestic violence who is another gay person

3. from fooling a straight man

4. by a confused gay man who can't handle his sexuality

5. killed randomly for personal reasons that had nothing to do with them being trans.

All trans deaths aren't because some straight man killed them for being trans by itself.

And if by chance an actual straight man is serial killing trans or randomly killing them, that don't fall on me.I didn't do that shit.

but if you that pressed over trans ppl to hunt them down,I suspect you're not straight at all and got some sexual issues.
Pretending to be the opposite sex isn't something that people should hide from someone especially when they know sexual acts are the whole reason they are around and about to take place.

That's the problem.

All that alphabet rhetoric they buy into leads them to believe that they're actually women............simply because they choose to identify as such.

Basically, they don't think they're pretending at all.

They just think they're being who they are.

Huge disconnect.

nh though.
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The whole situation, and situations like this take place because the trans is seriously practicing deception through and through, with the hopes that once they do the reveal behind closed doors, that it'll just be "their" secret. That being them and the victim. I'm pretty sure they've gotten away with it a few times, so they keep doing it, until something like this happens. Now we're playing the "whoa is me" game.
Anyone saying it isn't foul is being silly. The dude's reaction being understandable doesn't mean killing was the best option.

This is why the system has multiple levels for murder.

This would likely be murder 2 instead of murder 1, but it's still murder.

And let's be real, there are dudes that would kill in this situation even if nothing actually happened. That's not cool.

I will say people make a good point about the fact that most of these trans murders are probably committed by latent homosexuals, so it is kinda messed up that straight dudes are the ones that get blamed for all of them.
When did I do that?

This is why I can't take rabid feminists seriously. Absolutely no one said simply being a transgendered person was the equivalent of rape. It's like feminists are incapable of actually arguing real points. I haven't figured out whether most of them are too dumb to actually understand the points that are made or to dishonest to actually argue the points made. I suspect it's the latter.
This is why I can't take rabid feminists seriously. Absolutely no one said simply being a transgendered person was the equivalent of rape. It's like feminist are incapable of actually arguing real points. I haven't figured out whether most of them are too dumb to actually understand the points that are made or to dishonest to actually argue the points made. I suspect it's the latter.
trans men don't even like women,they want to be women and take their place and date "straight" men
That faggot (oops I mean onion) nigga should've said he was a man and let whomever they're dealing with decide how they want to proceed.

The young nigga should've beat his ass but not have killed him and went on with his life.

Now If the ghey dude was trying to rape him nothing of value was lost at the first shot BUT coming back to shoot him 2 more times was over the top and you knew what you was doing.