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Fair or foul: 18 yo teen kills Transgender after going home with her and finding out she was a man.

So off gp she supposed to tell somebody immediately she is trans? Isn’t 20 minutes almost immediately? If he had to ask then he knew it won’t right

Hell yeah and that shouldn't be a question on if that is something that they should do.
The most likely thing imo is still did something sexual with her without knowin' and then got mad when he found out.

I don't kno' why some of you guys so desperate to paint brudda as gay or curious or whatever. How do you kno' that?

I don't think the ages matter much except to say that at 18 a lotta guys do a lotta mad stuff to fuck, includin' travellin' to strange areas.

She didn't deserve to die but I get it
You guys go straight to the death penalty kinda quick, huh?

Like - just bieng trans is grounds for execution unless you have a tattoo on your head that says "i am trans"?

It kinda seems like we're seeing a lot of false bravado in this thread and to be honest it may be one of those situations where caring so much is actually caring a little too much if you get my drift.
At one point I’m my life I would have said no.

But I’m older and have a better understanding so i say yes.

Just like I said in that M. Houston thread.

And men are the sole reason to why a lot of women don't take accountability for their actions, cuz we allow alot of shit, like pedophilia for example.

Fat shaming, height shaming, domestic violence, misandry etc

None of that shit exists for men because we allow it.

With that being said, the boy in the article could've even been 15, the takeaway would've still be that she shot a tranny/woman and not them preying on a young boy/pedo
Thats low key mens fault.

Women know how to stay on code and call mfs out.
Men can't and would tear each other down.

A lot of dudes will give props to youngins for smashing the older woman.

When women get half the money all of them will be on twitter like "yaaass get the bag"

But when Mary j husband did it, I saw threats from both sides with dudes wanting to kill him and calling him all sorts of pussy, bum etc.

I expect it from women but dudes can't stay on code for shit cuz they think they'll get pity pussy for agreeing with them.

K-fed low key a legend, but as you can see he's ridiculed for what he did.
Thats low key mens fault.

Women know how to stay on code and call mfs out.
Men can't and would tear each other down.

A lot of dudes will give props to youngins for smashing the older woman.

When women get half the money all of them will be on twitter like "yaaass get the bag"

But when Mary j husband did it, I saw threats from both sides with dudes wanting to kill him and calling him all sorts of pussy, bum etc.

I expect it from women but dudes can't stay on code for shit cuz they think they'll get pity pussy for agreeing with them.

K-fed low key a legend, but as you can see he's ridiculed for what he did.
So at 18 men should know better, but depending on the circumstance a woman at 18 is pretty much a child.
But if it was a 37 year old woman, would she still be a predator?
I'll wait for du to respond
Naw I'm done on this topic.

If y'all wanna believe he was tricked... Y'all wanna believe that the trans was a predator...Y'all believe that. I can't convince y'all otherwise.

I believe the 18 year old approached and propositioned the trans for sex.

But we know 20 minutes after they met, he asked her and the truth was told.

So in my opinion there was no deception. No sexual predator scenario. Is a 37 hooker a predator for taking an 18 year old client? That's why I can't argue this anymore..... Cuz I've said what imma say

Y'all can run whatever direction y'all want on this, but by his words... I'm standing behind everything I said last night
So at 18 men should know better, but depending on the circumstance a woman at 18 is pretty much a child.
One of those R.kelly girls was 19 when R.kelly allegedly told her to eat feces.

Ice cube was 18 when he made fuck tha police and had FBI on his doorstep. Bet no one called him a kid.

Girl got treated with kid gloves and everyone said how messed up it is and how sad they were for her.

Nobody can talk you into eating your own shit if you a teen.
Would be different if Raz B was a girl....
It would be a whooole different discussion.

I remember even the breakfast club was laughing and clowning him when he called in. This was when they first started.

Not even during the #metoo era do they take him serious. And he was a lil boy when it happened smh.
Naw I'm done on this topic.

If y'all wanna believe he was tricked... Y'all wanna believe that the trans was a predator...Y'all believe that. I can't convince y'all otherwise.

I believe the 18 year old approached and propositioned the trans for sex.

But we know 20 minutes after they met, he asked her and the truth was told.

So in my opinion there was no deception. No sexual predator scenario. Is a 37 hooker a predator for taking an 18 year old client? That's why I can't argue this anymore..... Cuz I've said what imma say

Y'all can run whatever direction y'all want on this, but by his words... I'm standing behind everything I said last night
Lmao I ain't even do nothing.
You can have that opinion and an opinion is neither right nor wrong. But I 100% disagree with your opinion about this.

IMO if he was tricked he has every right to do what he did in killing that man.

It's not really an opinion though. That's pretty much what the law allows. You can believe what you want, but this dude is going to jail and him saying "I got tricked" isn't going to change that.

This whole rationale that tricking someone into sex is an offense punishable by death is bit crazy given how much men lie and obfuscate the truth to get pussy. Let's see how many of these niggas continue to push that rhetoric when chicks start killing dudes that lie about their finances and relationship statuses just so they can fuck.

if you say so. Ijs if he in a gay neighborhood and you bout to smash somebody within 20 minutes I mean did you really get duped

First, you're assuming that the kid knew it was a gay neighborhood. I couldn't tell you where the gays in DC hang out. I don't have any gay associates or friends, and I don't get into the personal lives of my few gay acquaintances. Second, him being willing to smash that quickly is reckless, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he could have been tricked.

Like I said, I don't know if he was tricked or not, but posting a pic of a trans looking like a unattractive woman doesn't mean that the kid didn't actually think it was a natural born woman.
So its silly to you that a man that dresses as a woman to immediately tell another man who thinks that they are actually a woman that they are actually a man?

bruh if you can’t tell by that and probably by the voice and the ease of getting it that there gotta be something up. This ain’t like a like somebody that can pass. Looks like a trans. Like use deductive reasoning