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Breaking News Facebook, Messenger, What’s App Down

That last point is why I do it. I feel like the only reason people do shit on there is to say “hey, look at how great my life is!!” And they real life be sad as fuck. They really just trying to convince themselves.

I post shit on here because I like the fact everybody here are total strangers.

My social media for my real life is my text group with my family and close friends. Their opinion matters more than anyone else. My exes and people I no longer have contact with don’t need to know all that shit.

I was literally talking with somebody on Friday about FB and the fact that outside of random memes I haven't actually made a post with words since like May. And that was an RIP post to someone
It's not really down.

Not in the way that you think.

More like damage control.

After that whistleblower exposed them on 60 minutes last night, they probably manufactured this event to do a deep clean and erase any more evidence that might support her claims against them.
FB prolly deleted the wrong set of data files while attempting to cover up the whistle blower's claims. :icu:

Was also thinking that some of the employees who spoke out against what FB has been doing might've sabotaged the company to stand in solidarity with the whistleblower.

Simply because, up until last night, no one knew who she was.