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ESPN anchor Sage Steele told Jay Cutler it was “fascinating” Obama indicated he was Black on his census form “considering his Black dad was nowhere to

Sage Steele is half white,this is her parents
She said some shit about we should be praising her mom for choosing her dad. Coon please
Shit self explanatory bro shit sucks like what's good about being black seriously enlighten me because, being oppressed world wide ain't to fun in my opinion.

Not sure if trolling.. but in case you're not...

You're letting white people's treatment of us dictate how you feel about you. Thats called self hatred my brother. You gotta get off that

White supremacy makes being black much more difficult but "Black is beautiful" is a factual statement.

Not sure if trolling.. but in case you're not...

You're letting white people's treatment of us dictate how you feel about you. Thats called self hatred my brother. You gotta get off that

White supremacy makes being black much more difficult but "Black is beautiful" is a factual statement.

Not trolling, of course black is beautiful but I mean bro we get fucked over on every corner of this planet, if we could pick our race you telling me your picking black?
Not trolling, of course black is beautiful but I mean bro we get fucked over on every corner of this planet, if we could pick our race you telling me your picking black?

My young nigga. You gotta educate yourself. You out here coonfused

Short answer: fuck no, i wouldn't choose another race

Long: the black man is the Original man. You've heard that before. Fyi... Other races are offshoots, moreso genetic MUTATIONS of black people. Fact.

In a nutshell, mf left Africa, lost their melanin and became pale skinned, string haired cavemen due to the caucus mountains cold climate (Black hair is kinky/nappy as a reaction to the sweltering hot climate). Later on, they came back to Africa with a vengeance, the rest is history.

Race isn't chosen or selected by a god. Black is the original race, white is the bastardized race, and they know it. They are a vulnerable and insecure GLOBAL minority, that's why they got on code to create white supremacy. They had to oppose the Original man to insure their survival... and it has worked for hundreds of years now. Fast forward to their low birthrates TODAY. Their birthrates are dwindling, they're not reproducing as much and they're dying off faster. White people are not some anointed people of God despite how they pretent to be

Lastly, the reality is you can't change yourself, no bleaching or plastic surgery or anything is gonna change your outward appearance if you're not happy with it so you might as well redirect that self hate energy into righteous pro black energy and help fight against white supremacy like some of us are. You're wasting time moping around feeling sorry for yourself, that's what they WANT you to do. They want you to not want to be black so they can control you like Sage and Terry Crews. If you really feeling like fuck it you might as well fight back...

If that doesn't interest you, i get it but you have to find a way channel that bad energy into something positive bruh