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Emergency awesome videos

If everyone is complaining and you the only one that keeps posting them you're the one with the problem.

If you gonna keep posting them niggas can keep complaining. You can end that cycle whenever you want or as you put it... keep scrolling by.

Why are you doing this? Lol.
Because I'm not the only person who like the videos, other people like them too... But the vocal niggaz are the ones who got so much to say.... So I'm asking the vocal niggaz why can't they scroll by.... Some of us actually like the shits
There's tons of shit I scroll by and don't comment on. Shit don't concern me. Don't interest me. I don't have an opinion on. So I don't say shit.

Niggaz feel like they GOTTA say something... But I can't say shit to them about it..
I don't. It's as simple as I watch, I see good information, I repost.

And I don't understand what's so difficult about scrolling past the posts if you don't like them...

That's it....I promise you

@Marc123 is a 1000% right. You do act like you have a some sorta maternal connection to dude.

I'm not talking bout Papa Stank telling you to not post the vids anymore. I'm talking bout @Soul_Rattler clearly critiquing what CHARLIE said in the video. Then here you come w/ your "don't watch then". There are probably hundreds, if not thousands of vids that have been posted here with folks from YT giving there opinions on various things and we have given our opinion on what was said in those videos, yourself included. Yet when it comes to Charlie you always feel the need to protect him, for some odd reason.
I'm not protecting him, I'm simply saying don't watch if you don't like HIS videos...

Or better yet post videos from other sources that you might have gotten information from...

Everybody online... Everybody doing Google's and getting alerts about the same shit...I like posting my sources...I feel like it's just responsible to the conversation. So when I watch one of his videos and think it's a worthy addition to the conversation...I post them. If y'all don't like them to me is just don't watch...

When dbz super was out the homie daquan had the funniest reviews to me, I posted every one... Dude had no insight... Just funny commentary... I'm sure everybody didn't think he was funny.... But no one demanded I stop posting those..

Niggaz act like these videos damage the threads or something. Like it hurts the conversation. And I just don't get it.

It ain't about me defending. You can totally disagree with him. I don't care. You can not like him. I don't care.

But why do I have to stop posting them?
How you gonna tell niggas just to ignore it and make a thread lmaooooo.

You keep posting the shit even tho various posters have told you they don't like it and explained exactly why they think its wack.

You don't care because you like it. Whichic is fine. You could just keep watching them and not posting them opening yourself to criticism but you don't want to so what are we doing here?

He cant do that. He clearly loves emergency awesome, and doesn't understand why other ppl dont....his mindset is "if i jus post this last vid, them niggas in abw will finally get it. And see the error of their ways, n they'll see what i see. I will convince them." but it never works.
He did stop posting those videos in the flash thread, I don't know what goes on in those other comic threads since I'm not in those. He might just be trolling y'all by keep posting them.
He cant do that. He clearly loves emergency awesome, and doesn't understand why other ppl dont....his mindset is "if i jus post this last vid, them niggas in abw will finally get it. And see the error their ways, n they'll see what i see. I will convince them." but it never works.
No, I told y'all. I get alerts. I watch a video. If it's good, I'll post it cuz it has good info.

If y'all don't like it, so be it. Someone might like the information.

But as always niggaz believe what they wanna believe.