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FEATURED Eboni K Williams under fire for claiming that men who work blue collar jobs are “mediocre”

To me, this shit is inherently selfish. All the data shows that most kids without father suffer in some way or another. Granted some of that is tied to the increased likelihood of the family being impoverished without a father. Granted that's not really going to be an issue for Eboni. Not all of it can be explained away by lack of money though. Increased likelihood for psychological problems, hypersexuality, and drug abuse have nothing to do with how much money the family has. Even something like increased likelihood to be arrested isn't always tied to socioeconomic background.

What's funny to me is that a tell tale sign of whether or not a person is going to be a good parent or not is their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others. If you're going into parenthood saying "I don't really care how this will impact my future child, I'm doing it for me" you're already starting out on a bad foot.
Her dork ass. And yo honestly I get why they do sperm donors but they can’t just find a nigga that’s fits the qualities to nut in them? Seems like a waste of money
It’s because in these instances? These women recognize that they don’t need a man for anything other than his seed. How crazy.
weird that some of yall are shittin on her for this.


Congrats to her. Hopefully her and the child are healthy throughout the pregnancy
I think she's getting shitted on for this because of her bus driver comments. Then she kept doubling down on it and had a nasty attitude about the situation because ppl were calling her out.
Looks like she used a sperm donor...


@Young_Chitlin B1$ gonna go off
Her dork ass. And yo honestly I get why they do sperm donors but they can’t just find a nigga that’s fits the qualities to nut in them? Seems like a waste of money

Finally finished shopping for designer sperm like a weirdo. I hope that kid has someone else to lean on in that family, cuz her mother bout to unload a truckload of mental stress on her

Prolly white sperm too

Know what I just realized, I know where the local blood bank is in my city. I have no idea where the sperm bank is.


whats weird is fronting like this is a random broad posting her pregnancy announcement and getting trolled for it

we all know what shes said about men and black men in general over the past few years - shes a parable now and going to catch these jokes/types of comments