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Dwight Howard getting exposed for messing w/trannies...allegedly

Someone called that nigga Dwight "around my mouth" Howard. Lmao. Fuck the internet.
dont at me on threads with offensive titles

also a bunch of “heterosexual” men sitting around discussing a mans sexuality for hours on end is a different kind of goofy

I just wanted to hear your opinion on this topic.... My bad
True or not, I really hate when people try to out another person under the guise of "being threatened".

Homosexuals are gonna get enough of this "outing" shit.One of these celebs is gonna catch a case and then what? They're gonna cry on TV about violence against homosex and trannies but that shit could have been avoided if they would have kept their mouths shut.
I don’t see this problem you speak of?? I like my dick at full erection. I like my sex hard, rough, and fast especially on my nights of heavy brown liquor consumption.


Just one night of Henny and no scrings attached....

Respectfully of course
How did the word Tranny become disrespectful? @Race Jones school me to origin of the word please

'Cause they decided one day that it was disrespectful, but even then they're not united on that because many insist there's nothing wrong with it no matter who uses it, while others clutched their pearls and said it's offensive when used by anyone. It's only been in the last 3-4 years that there's been this push to make it offensive though.

What's funny to me about folks that defend them is that a lot of them same trannies that people stick up for have no problem using clearly derogatory slang to refer to biological women and men.

Personally, I'm done trying to figure out if a muhfucka wants to be called transvestite, transsexual, or transgender; "tranny" fits all three.
Vulcan, you was out of line fam

How about a timeout