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COMMUNITY Dreams, Nightmares, and Sleep paralysis... share your experiences

I get it every now and then but it doesn't bother me at all as I've gotten stronger in my faith walk. I pray through it ask Jesus to protect me and I'm good.

But I noticed that when I do get sleep paralysis it's when I'm really tired and I'm lying on my back. I don't think it has ever happened sleeping on my side or my stomach.
You still on that shit bro?
Of course.

Honestly, I have a lot of trouble sleeping if I don't smoke weed before bed. Its not absolutely necessary, but if I don't smoke before bed I will just lay there for several hours before I finally drift off.
I've had these nightmares I guess you could say since them mf tried to kill me

& it be someone (or people) comin after me shootin but it's always sumn goin wrong

one time I was goin to a bar/restaurant & left the yalk in the whip, then they started comin at me inside

then another time they was comin for me & I grabbed the yalk fully loaded but no slide to rack a rd in the chamber like this


not gon lie, shit kinda fucks w/ me but jus gotta charge it to the game
Had a dream during last night. I was back in my old highschoool. Shit was a fun dream. Seeing all the old faces at my school. Even showed some of the women I had crushes on or thought was pretty. Havent thought about them in a long time. My brain didnt really remember the layout of the school, lol. Just made a bunch of halls that connected. But honestly, my real school was just a cookie cutter build out. That means that there were other schools in the PG county of Maryland that were built the same. So my dream wasnt too far off.

I realized in most of my dreams, I just enjoy the ride. Maybe that is why I dont try to gain control, even if I could. I legit enjoy the randomness of the adventure. Like the above dream. It sucks because anytime they dream is about to go in a new direction, I start to wake up. I be mad too. Trying to force myself back to sleep and try to continue on with the dreams. Like if I only think about what just happened, maybe I will subconsciously dream about it again
Had another dream about school. Dont know what my brain is trying to tell me but I aint ever going back, lol. This one was about college
Had another dream about school. Dont know what my brain is trying to tell me but I aint ever going back, lol. This one was about college

I think I read dreams about being back at school mean theres a lesson that needs to be learned or that you're in the process of learning.
Had several dreams last night. They were short since I kept waking up through the night.

One, I was in a first person shooter game. That was probably triggered cause I was watching the halo series. My stealth game was top notch. Picking off everyone.

The other dream, I felt something crawling in my shirt under my armpit. I jumped out of my sleep and bed with the quickness. I think I was dreaming bout bugs and then one got in my shirt. Jumped out my bed and yelled "what the hell". Started waving out my shirt. Nothing fell out. Checked my sheets as well, just in case. Lol.
Scary isn’t it .... wait til u stop breathing while it’s happening
That shit is the worst. Hasn’t happened in forever but it was always when my sleep schedule was totally out of wack. College parties and napping all day were not good for me.

I feel like if I ever do too much codeine it could lead to a bad outcome.
I had a few really bad ones that stand out. In the bad ones I’m paralyzed in my dream, then in my room but I’m still dreaming and paralyzed, then I puke in my dream in my room, then I finally snap out of it and turn on a light and I’m usually covered in sweat.

A few times a dark figure has stood over me. Once the dark figure said he was a demon, and the devil was on his way in. In my dream the paralysis broke I ran out of the room only to see my dog hanging by his neck from a ceiling fan in the living room.

It’s also weird how I can almost feel them coming in my dream. Like this very acute sense of danger comes over, and a lot of times I try to wake up but can’t and soon after the feeling hits I’m paralyzed.

I think No Country For Old Men fucked me up cause once I was paralyzed, and saw the shadow of Anthon Chigurgh’s feet under the door, and then all of a sudden I was pointing my .22 rifle at the door, but then I woke up again and it felt so real I turned a light on and checked to make sure my .22 was in the closet still.

Now a days I only have really bad night sweats. Like the whole bed will be soaked. To the point I saw a doctor and my health all checked out so they couldn’t really explain it
One time when my son was maybe 2 or 3. Homie got out of baby and slept walk right into my man-cave room. Pulled his pants down and pissed right in the corner of the room. My nigga moved his hands like he was flushing and everything. Pulled his pants back up smiled while sleep and went in got right back into the bed like nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile I was watching the whole thing unfold like this....

One time when my son was maybe 2 or 3. Homie got out of baby and slept walk right into my man-cave room. Pulled his pants down and pissed right in the corner of the room. My nigga moved his hands like he was flushing and everything. Pulled his pants back up smiled while sleep and went in got right back into the bed like nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile I was watching the whole thing unfold like this....

Did you try to call his name to see if he would wake up? Or were you in shock
One time when my son was maybe 2 or 3. Homie got out of baby and slept walk right into my man-cave room. Pulled his pants down and pissed right in the corner of the room. My nigga moved his hands like he was flushing and everything. Pulled his pants back up smiled while sleep and went in got right back into the bed like nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile I was watching the whole thing unfold like this....

did you tell this before? feels like I've read this some time ago.