And lol at watching the jump. Might as well admit you put on clown shoes.
Let's see what Lebron say about his advisor's role in the story
You know i willQuick pull up all the post of posters that wanted to fuck Rachel soooooo bad
Plus, according to Nichols it's in her contract to do the finals..
It seems from the comments that was leaked in this thread, that the whole situation is more so about ESPN trying to take away negotiated projects from a person and giving it to another person for diversity sake. I honestly didn't think Rachel was dissing Maria, she was more so dissing ESPN and the way they are trying to back out of an agreement under the guise of being a diverse entity.
If ESPN really gave a shit about diversity Maria and many other people from different walks of life would have more prominent roles throughout the whole network
The jump is a decent show. What’s wrong with it
Shit is super formulaic. Watch one show, you watched them all. After watching like 5 episodes, I had to stop cause every episode was the same.
Plus Rachels voice is finger nails on chalk board status. An hour of that? Fuuuck that.
It really isnt that simpleWould you be ok if some of your duties at your high paying job that you enjoy doing were going to someone else because they wanted someone of a different ethnicity (though this person can do the job well, no matter their race)?
It’s that simple
Taylor slowly turning into a blowhardLol at generational talent tho...ok man
Lol at generational talent tho...ok man
Hell nahQuick pull up all the post of posters that wanted to fuck Rachel soooooo bad
Is there any proof its for diversity sake? Thats the question.
Lets not go too far nowCouldn't stand listening to Rachel. Bring Back Paul Pierce and fire her annoying ass.
Paul Pierce your cousin huh?Couldn't stand listening to Rachel. Bring Back Paul Pierce and fire her annoying ass.