Dr.Dre's wife files for divorce

This is crazy to me, you dont need to be wealthy to get prenup. Lmao one of the first things me and my current wifey talked about when we decided we wanted to be with each other and get married was prenup. We talked about finances (including how much we make, what debts we had, expenses), parenting style, health history, etc. need to know and should know things. And we're getting prenup and also discussed how things would be allocated as well.

Nobody wants to divorce or break up but anything can happen and if it does, it's extremely important to be prepared. Would you still have that mentality if your spouse cheated on you multiple times ?

I have a more idealistic view of marriage. The practical side of if we don't make it till death do us part...what happens to our things is not a concern.

If you plan for failure, then inevitably failure meets you at your doorstep.

All that seems fear based.... fear of it not working and being ass out. Fear of your ex spouse taking more than what is "rightfully" theirs.... fear of working and building an income and lifestyle all to be "taken" by the person sleeping next to you.

Definitely trying to not live my life and make fear based decisions on material things that I can't take with me when I die.
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People are too attached to money.

The money I need for myself is very little. I work mainly for my family. And with the laws the way they are... If my wife and I split.... The kids are most likely going with her. As would my money. And I'm fine with that.

I'd have no issues living in an apartment while my children live in a house I paid for
But 24 years ago, Dre was already rolling in it from all the Aftermath/NWA shit. He a nut if he didn't have that prenup ready to go.

Some people do marry for true love.I doubt he did lol , Dr Dre seems like an asshole. And it wouldn't surprise me if he felt that she would never leave him no matter what he did.

But apparently there was some sort of prenup...she contested it which is why she didn't get half of everything.
People are too attached to money.

The money I need for myself is very little. I work mainly for my family. And with the laws the way they are... If my wife and I split.... The kids are most likely going with her. As would my money. And I'm fine with that.

I'd have no issues living in an apartment while my children live in a house I paid for

Your a good black man, bless your heart.
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Your a good black man, bless your heart.
That has nothing to do with good/bad cuz I'm normally a complete jerk. I just never understood why niggaz worried about losing money to a woman they married.

I be more pissed about the years lost. Or the overall emotional trauma surrounding the shit. But money? That shit come and go. But you never getting them years back. And the unsettling feeling of if the years you got were even real.

If it was just money? You can have that shit....
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Him of all people for this gif lol. Well maybe it's the perfect gif lol. I wonder if he is staying legally married because it's financially the best decision lol.

I don't think so. Will has said numerous times that he doesn't believe in divorce. I think the only reason his first divorce happen is because his ex-wife ended up filling.
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For me it has nothing to do with fear otherwise I wouldn't have made the decision to get engaged and spend the rest of my life with the person I truly love. We made a decision collectively to get prenup because the law views things differently and if it doesn't work out at least we can part ways with what we individually had intact.

(I forgot to hit send!!)

Yeah I hear your perspective. I don't want my union to be determined by the laws of man. I get that thought may be unrealistic and based on fanciful understanding of the laws of marriage.

But idk I rather hold on to a belief that true love exist and I will attract it without the need to protect my money, possessions and things. I would be more heartbroken than anything. The things I planned to keep won't bring me happiness....just temporary comfort.

The idea of a prenup conflicts with my idea of unconditional love. I would take a prenup personal. I understand that money and love are not aligned but I still ....
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Something tells me this ain’t over.

She’s gonna claim that one hundred million ain’t enough for her to sustain her lifestyle.

Nah, this ain’t over.
She need more than 100 mil....shit she can reinvest and make her "own " money. She gotta have her own business ventures. I would imagine being married to Dr Dre she has her own thing going on.

Like the cost of contesting doesn't seem worth it.
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Something tells me this ain’t over.

She’s gonna claim that one hundred million ain’t enough for her to sustain her lifestyle.

Nah, this ain’t over.

If she sign that paper agreeing to the amount he's giving her...then I doubt she can go back and ask for more.

She better find a way to flip that 100 milli.
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As for Harold Hamm he's worth $13 billion. So $975 is light for him AND dig this he didn't have prenup. Although I think Hamm was able to only give that much because of how he has his share voting rights set for his company.

And dude was already worth like 50 million when they got married.

The fact that 99% of his wealth, at the time of his divorce, was achieved during the marriage and he only had to cut a check for less than 10% of it . Is wild.
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Also, in theory, prenups are a good idea.

In practice, however, the courts have a tendency to void them at their discretion.

So, basically, as much as you try to............"dot your i's and cross your t's".............if that prenup gets voided.............you're in the same position as someone who didn't get a prenup.
Nah, she won.

Based on what's been disclosed, that's a loss for Dre.

I would've stalled her out and made my lawyers rich before she'd see one dime of my money.

Now, $10-$25 million would've been a win for Dre.

Not $100 million.

How's that a loss when he's worth close to a billi? He has to pay her 50 now, then 50 next year.

In b/t that time...his value can go up where he officially becomes a billionaire. And she can't get none of that. Sounds like a win to me.
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