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DoUwant2go2Heaven (Edit: He’s now here and his name is RaptureSoonUgoing) Is A Real Person (Proof)

So the "rapture" will happen in 2018 now?

and whats the point of the seven years if shits gone and all the christians took of to heaven?
Is it like a seven year hell or does that come later on


I don't know when the rapture will take place. I just clarified the assumption about the date of when the world could end. Meaning that the world can not end until 7 years after the rapture. No matter what year the rapture takes place, it will be 7 years after that event that the world will end.


IF the rapture took place in 2018 the earliest date that the world would end would be the year 2025. But again, I don't know when the rapture will come! I am watching and praying everyday so that I will be ready whenever that day comes because there will be many people who will not be ready on that day and thus they will be left behind like the 5 foolish virgins in Matthew 25.

There must be 7 years left after the rapture because that is what the Bible declares. The last 7 years of this worlds history will accomplish the following:

1. The 70th week of Daniel! Which is when God will turn His attention back to the nation of Israel in order to fulfill all the Old Testament promises that He gave to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The whole house of Israel will be reunited back in the land of Israel during the tribulation. Many of the people who will be left behind on the cloudy day will understand that they are part of the 12 tribes of Israel and will go to the land of Israel. In the process of the 7 year tribulation 2/3 of the nation of Israel will die while 1/3 of the nation will survive until the end by accepting the Lord Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ).
2. To judge a world that has rejected King Jesus by loving sin more than righteousness.
3. To pour out His wrath upon those who refuse to repent of their sins despite experiencing never before seen catastrophic judgments that will take place during the end times.
4. To bring an end to sin and usher in the establishment of everlasting righteousness.
5. To give the world what they want, which is a world where God is silent for a "brief time". Thus allowing the people who are left behind to be ruled by the fallen angels without restraint. The head of the unholy trinity in the last days will be Satan who will give power to the Antichrist and False prophet in order to deceive mankind into worshipping him when the mark of the beast is issued.
6. To fulfill the everlasting rule of sowing and reaping. Meaning that the world has sowed wickedness, therefore it shall reap destruction.
7. To give mankind one last chance at receiving salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior.

There's a whole lot more, but that is the bare bones of it. The end times will be the most terrible time in human history. God said that there was never a time like it before it and there will never be a time like it after it. But there will be countless people who will come to faith in Jesus Christ during this time because they will realize the error of their ways during the pouring out of earth shattering judgments.

The only caveat is that people who come to Jesus Christ during this time will be killed like sheep headed to the slaughter house. The greatest persecution of all time will take place during this time because the devil will be ruling without restraint. True Bible believing Christians will be raptured and thus the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit that indwells all born again believers will be removed from the earth, which will subsequently be filled by the powers of darkness when they are kicked out of heaven permanently and confined to the earth for the last 7 years of human history. Right now in our day and age there is still "law and order" to a degree because the restrainer of evil has not been COMPLETELY removed; but yet we still see how wicked it is today because of the devastating effects of sin.

Imagine how evil it will be when ALL the light is removed from the world? You can't even imagine it! It will be like driving 200 mph without any brakes on your vehicle and no traffic lights, stop signs, or laws on all roads, freeways, and highways. No holds bar!

The only law and order in the last days will be to KILL everyone who does not have the mark of the beast. It will be a continual non stop purge of people who reject the Mark of the Beast and place their faith in Jesus Christ.

I wouldn't roll the dice though by saying "I'll just wait till WW3 happens" because:

A) There's no guarantee that you'll even survive the cloudy day. Over a billion people will die when the end begins.
B) If you survived the cloudy day, the world that you see today will be no more. It will be worse than the book of Eli, mad max, and the purge combined.
C) the Bible will be outlawed, there will be no true born again believers to help teach you, and deception will be so great that many will be deceived. The Jehovah witnesses, mormons, and all the other religions today are just a taste of the deception that will take place after the cloudy day.
D) The effects of the cloudy day will just be getting started. Radiation will be everywhere, nuclear winter will be settling in, everybody will be bald headed, everybody will be wearing sackcloth, food will be scarce, water will be at a premium.
E) The bottomless pit will be opened soon after the cloudy day......thus the misery of mankind will only be getting started.


"9“And on that day,” declares the Lord GOD,
“I will make the sun go down at noon
and darken the earth in broad daylight.
10I will turn your feasts into mourning
and all your songs into lamentation;
I will bring sackcloth on every waist
and baldness on every head;
I will make it like the mourning for an only son
and the end of it like a bitter day.

11“Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD,
“when I will send a famine on the land—
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
but of hearing the words of the LORD.
12They shall wander from sea to sea,
and from north to east;
they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the LORD,
but they shall not find it." Amos 8:9-12

Dude is gonna be mad as hell when he "dies" and wakes up from a simulation as a 53year old white man, and finds out the life he lived was only a 15 minute video game.
how so?

is he forcing you to do anything?

It dont have to involve me for it to be harmful.

He is out there in the real world preaching this mental slavery nonsense. Young impressionable ppl could hear that shit n be swayed into that nonsense. Its very dangerous.
It dont have to involve me for it to be harmful.

He is out there in the real world preaching this mental slavery nonsense. Young impressionable ppl could hear that shit n be swayed into that nonsense. Its very dangerous.

Harmful would be me NOT warning you to flee from the wrath to come! But hey if you want to box with God, be my guest.

I pray that you don't die in such a state because the next second of your eternal existence will be in the smokey section forever.



You are a fear mongerer. "if you don't believe in the god I believe in, you will burn in hell for ever."

u are using fear to try to get ppl to believe in ur god.

I'm not trying to get you to do anything my friend. I have no control over you. All I am doing is telling folks the reality of eternity. You either take it or leave it. Your eternal destiny has no bearing on mine.

At the end of the day we will all live with the choices we made in this life in regards to who Jesus Christ is to us. It's a guarantee. And if you don't make the kingdom thats on you....not me. I will just be one of the innumerable witnesses against you on the Last day who told you the truth but you refused to accept it. God will hit the replay button on your life and show you every time you said No to Him. Including this time if you die without repenting and believing the gospel. And then you will go to your place forever and I will go to mine. Never will the righteous remember any of the wicked, nor will they ever even come into our mind; for God will wipe away all tears from the righteous eyes when He makes a new heaven and a new earth.


But because I love you and I want to see you in the kingdom of God, I plead with you to humble yourself before Almighty God and call upon His name so that you will be saved. Amen.

John 3:16
Harmful would be me NOT warning you to flee from the wrath to come! But hey if you want to box with God, be my guest.

I pray that you don't die in such a state because the next second of your eternal existence will be in the smokey section forever.



First imo "hell" is here/hear and totally livable.
Second for anybody you're going around scaring... Especially in this way... Lemme tell em this...

Does everyone not torment themselves in their own mind.... Ok. Eternal torment.... You can handle that... Fire pits of hell..... Ok... You are dead and no long have nerve endings..... What do you care..... Nothing if you're smart and rational minded....

Second.....flee from the wrath!? Roflmmfao!!! If they wanna box with God lol let em... There is no fleeing other than death and being directed away from this place to another as like I said before... This IS hell... The holding cell.
First imo "hell" is here/hear and totally livable.
Second for anybody you're going around scaring... Especially in this way... Lemme tell em this...

Does everyone not torment themselves in their own mind.... Ok. Eternal torment.... You can handle that... Fire pits of hell..... Ok... You are dead and no long have nerve endings..... What do you care..... Nothing if you're smart and rational minded....

Second.....flee from the wrath!? Roflmmfao!!! If they wanna box with God lol let em... There is no fleeing other than death and being directed away from this place to another as like I said before... This IS hell... The holding cell.

The wrath of God is very real and its a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The folks in Noahs day found out the hard way. Sad that the only thing most folks learn from history is that they don't learn from history!

But it was written. I pray that you will be on King Jesus side when all is said and done. Amen.
It dont have to involve me for it to be harmful.

He is out there in the real world preaching this mental slavery nonsense. Young impressionable ppl could hear that shit n be swayed into that nonsense. Its very dangerous.

Bruh so youre against any religious teaching period?
This dude got out of his city and travelled the world preaching his message.

Even if it is all a hustle, you have to respect it...

EDIT: I'm not implying it is a hustle. I think guy believes what he says.
The wrath of God is very real and its a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The folks in Noahs day found out the hard way. Sad that the only thing most folks learn from history is that they don't learn from history!

But it was written. I pray that you will be on King Jesus side when all is said and done. Amen.

Don't worry about me... I know I'm on the right side.
Maybe that's the reason I didn't get a proper religious training... So I wouldn't have to be doomed to not learning from thus repeating history.... I mean I know about the flood but I also know He said he wouldn't do that again.
This dude got out of his city and travelled the world preaching his message.

Even if it is all a hustle, you have to respect it...

EDIT: I'm not implying it is a hustle. I think guy believes what he says.

God is good my brother! Never in a million years would I have imagined this new life I live.

Before I met Christ I thought life was just doing drugs, getting drunk, clubbing, banging chicks, going to work.....cycle and repeat.

I was totally lost. But God!!!!!!

I once was lost, but now I'm found! I once was blind, but now I see! Hallelujah!
I am. I dont encourage the teaching of myths, fairy tales and imaginary friends in the sky.

You see God in the mirror every time you look at yourself. It's just sad that you let the devil continue to blind you. But I pray for the scales to be removed from your eyes in Jesus name, Amen!