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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?

The more I think about it, my explanation is more plausible than dinosaur skeletons remaining the same size as the Earth grew a gigameter during the same span of time.

Why would the earth growing cause organisms to grow?

Thats the part that makes no sense.

So if I die, at 5'10, they can find my bones in 100,000 years at 20 feet tall?


Explain why human bones from 5k+ years ago are smaller than human bones from today. The answer is evolution btw. As time goes by, were getting better nutrition and as a result getting bigger as a species.

But if your theory is right, then human bones we found from like 25k years ago should be like 10+ feet tall.

Why would the eartu growing cause organisms to grow?

Thats the part that makes no sense.

So if I die, at 5'10, they can find my bones in 100,000 years at 20 feet tall?


Explain why human bones from 5k+ years ago are smaller than human bones from today. The answer is evolution btw. As time goes by, were getting better nutrition and as a result getting bigger as a species.

But if your theory is right, then human bones we found from like 25k years ago should be like 10+ feet tall.

Good point, but you're talking thousands of years, I'm talking hundreds of millions of years.

When you're talking about hundreds of millions of revolutions around the Sun just about anything is plausible..
Look, I'm not an archeologist and probably know as much about paleontology as any other person on ABW.

According to the link @Rubato posted, there is such thing as "fossil distortion". If a fossil can naturally be distorted to appear smaller, then if the Earth has grown a gigameter in the past 100 million years, that could have distorted the fossils in the other direction.

I don't have it all figured out, but I think it's plausible that the so-called "dinosaurs" that lived "100-200 million years ago" might have just been insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles who's corpses were mummified in soil over 100s of millions of years and grew as the Earth grew.

That's all I have to say about dinosaurs.

As far as time itself, Elijah Muhammad said that time is measured by motion. A day is the length of time it takes for the Earth to rotate on it's axis once. A year is the length of time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun once.

A day is broken up in to 24 hours
An hour is broken up into 60 minutes
A minute is broken up into 60 seconds
There are 86,400 seconds in a day
A picosecond is one trillionth of a second

A jiffy is the length of time it takes for light to travel one fermi, which is considered the shortest length of time.

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According to the link Fightbackmode2005 posted, the Earth itself is growing at a rate of 0.1 millimeters per year. Which means if we go back far enough, the Earth was just a speck of dust, maybe the size of a grain of sand, or a pebble.

Once you go back that far in time, it becomes difficult to measure time because there's no Earth rotating on it's axis, and there's no Earth revolving around the Sun. So how would you measure a day or a year if the Earth is just a grain of sand floating in space?

So-called scientists claim that the Earth is 4 billion years old, or 14.5 billion years old. Or whatever.

I've never heard (although I've never done any research either) of a scientist explain how they calculated the Earth's age, or what unit of measurement they used to calculate the Earth's age? As I mentioned earlier, if you go back in time far enough, the Earth wasn't rotating nor revolving.

In fact, the Earth is 93 million miles away from the Sun. It travels at 66,000 miles per hour as it revolves around the Sun.

But if the universe is expanding, then it's reasonable to assume that at one point the Earth was 92 million miles from the Sun, or 91 million miles away.

At what rate is the universe expanding and is it linear?

Q. How would you calculate time in an expanding universe when the Earth was only 33 miles from the Sun? How would you calculate a day, or a year?

$1,000,000 in ABW dollars for the best answer.

You must show your work

Dude! You are the OP. You have to prove your assertions, not the other way around.

A simple Google search shows how scientists calculate the age of the Earth.

Now you are just trolling for real.



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Good point, but you're talking thousands of years, I'm talking hundreds of millions of years.

When you're talking about hundreds of millions of revolutions around the Sun just about anything is plausible..

Im not asking for 100 foot tall humans though. Just asking for 9-10 foot tall ones. In 100k years that should be possible according to your theory
bro nobody has any verifiable information concerning the age of the earth, it's all speculative. It's a question of what methods and facts a person use in their speculation to arrive to a conclusion. Every bit of which will yield a different conclusion based on both the method used and the facts either examined or ignored.

Answer this, where does religion come from? And do you have any logical reason to reject the accounts given in the Bible notable the book of Genesis?

If you understand carbon dating, you can measure objects and get tangible, repeatable results.

You tell me how you can 'measure' religion. What tangible results will you get?
Dude! You are the OP. You have to prove your assertions, not the other way around.

A simple Google search shows how scientists calculate the age of the Earth.

Now you are just trolling for real.

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That doesn't address my question.

I want to know how these scientists are calculating time when the distance of the constellations are growing?

For example, the Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. It takes a year to revolve once.

But when the distance between the Earth and The Sun was shorter (due to the Solar system 's growth) how would you measure a year?
bro nobody has any verifiable information concerning the age of the earth, it's all speculative. It's a question of what methods and facts a person use in their speculation to arrive to a conclusion. Every bit of which will yield a different conclusion based on both the method used and the facts either examined or ignored.

Answer this, where does religion come from? And do you have any logical reason to reject the accounts given in the Bible notable the book of Genesis?

Religion ( worship) comes from man's desire to understand the world around him.

So man makes up what he believes to be the causes of these natural forces he sees.

Dude, really?

Don't make me go there with you. Don't be ignorant.
That doesn't address my question.

I want to know how these scientists are calculating time when the distance of the constellations are growing?

For example, the Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. It takes a year to revolve once.

But when the distance between the Earth and The Sun was shorter (due to the Solar system 's growth) how would you measure a year?

Stop being lazy and go read up on it like others have.

I heard a quote that went sumn like "religion starts where science stops"

so basically whatever couldn't be explained thru science was attributed to god

I heard a quote that went sumn like "religion starts where science stops"

so basically whatever couldn't be explained thru science was attributed to god

All the stories ancient cultures have about giants and cyclops were due to them finding fossilized mammoth bones everywhere.

A mammoth femur could easily be mistaken for a giant human femur.

And a mammoth skull has a big ass nasal opening in the middle that looks like it could have been a big ass orbital opening, hence the cyclops.

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In other words the observed rate of growth is so miniscule that it is within the margin of error for the equipment measuring it, so there is no actual measured growth.

1. First of all, it says that the Earth is growing @ 0.1 millimeters per year.

2. Your link says, "Our study provides an independent confirmation that the solid Earth is not getting larger at present, with current measurement uncertainties."

It clearly says, "with current measurement uncertainties".

I interpret that as saying that 0.1 millimeters is insignificant in the grand scheme of things (which I agree).

One link says the Earth is 4.54 Billion years old.

But if you multiply 0.1 millimeters by 100 million years (the age of dinosaurs) you can clearly see that Earth has grown.

3. Follow me.

Earth is currently 93 million miles from the Sun, then one of three things is possible:

a. The Solar System has always been the same size and Earth has always been 93 million miles from The Sun

b. The Solar System is expanding and the Earth used to be closer

c. The Solar System is collapsing and the distance between Earth and the Sun is getting smaller

If scenarios b or c are possible, then how would you measure time? How would you calculate a year or a day?
Who are these people you are skeptical of?

What are they getting wrong about carbon dating?

I really don't even care about carbon dating like that, I just don't buy into using it as a standard of measurement for backwards projections of elapsed time. You can use it to make forward projections, maybe, but not backwards.

It's like walking into a room and finding burning candle and trying to determine how long its been burning by the rate of wax melting and how fast it builds up. We can come up with a possibility of how long it's been burning but it would still be a guess and requires a few huge leaps.
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If you think humans and the earth have been around the same length of time then you have no interest in intelligence
right, it takes intelligence to conclude millions of years passed on the earth before the first man came about, despite us not observing this, and zero intelligence to consider the evidence of there being a creator of all life and that this same creator has communicated to us about how it occurred.

So you Athiest?
I really don't even care about carbon dating like that, I just don't buy into using it as a standard of measurement for backwards projections of elapsed time. You can use it to make forward projections, maybe, but not backwards.

It's like walking into a room and finding burning candle and trying to determine how long its been burning by the rate of wax melting and how fast it builds up. We can come up with a possibility of how long it's been burning but it would still be a guess and requires a few huge leaps.

Well, if you don't accept radiometric dating that was used to estimate the age of the Earth and solar system, then we won't be able to find a common ground to discuss dinosaur's existence because you can't accept carbon dating.

That is your right, but just know you are rejecting an established, proven scientific method.
right, it takes intelligence to conclude millions of years passed on the earth before the first man came about, despite us not observing this, and zero intelligence to consider the evidence of there being a creator of all life and that this same creator has communicated to us about how it occurred.

So you Athiest?

Nah it takes too much faith to be an atheist

What evidence is there of a creator?