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DISCUSSION - Support...These Tiddayz

if we were serious, I wouldn't leave. I haven't watched the video so I have no idea how serious the couple in it r.

what? u the typa nigga to leave a chick for ageing? shit happens fam.
A whale is a pretty big ma'am. If your tittyballs grow along with your waist I can make things work tho
Can I do a small titty appreciation prayer? Say it with me @Azlyn.

Thank the lord that we will never know the pain of reducing ur back breakers n losing niggas. We don't have those problems. Amen.
its considered tolerating when a chick elects to have a medical procedure that could take pressure off her spine?

chick could end up walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame, but at least she got big tittays tho huh?

I'll need a 2nd opinion/
I would also leave someone I was dating if they came to me with enhancements also.
we're all entitled to our standards. its aight as long as u make it clear early n dont waste each others time.

if she has enhancements n hides it cuz u might leave, she wrong. if u kno she has enhancement n that it disqualifies her from a future with u, u wld be wrong for leadin her on if u chose to continue seein her.

Do You believe medical reasons are the only situations where breast reductions should occur?
No. For a very different reason than this discussion tho.
I don't date women n I don't mind if other people cosmetically alter themselves. Therefore, the only tits I'm invested in are my own.

A woman who has a B cup could proceed with a breast reduction n get them cut down to the white meat so that she can reach her potential as a Gymnast, for all I care.

The most I'd do is ask if the woman contemplating a breast reduction has been fitted for a proper bra. A quality, supportive bra takes away a lot of the back pain associated with bigger titties. I hate seeing women hate their bodies when the problem might be the stuff they're putting on it.
I have a question for all yall (women) that say that non medical reasons for wanting this reduction are cool....

If it were possible and your man said he wanted his package to be "altered" for reasons of comfort or convenience, would yall be cool with it?

Example: a man is uncomfortable with the objectifying looks from females gazing at his manhood through his pants.


If a man has grown tired of his package sticking to the side of his leg during hot summer months. He is informed a size reduction can reduce that problem.

How do we feel about this?
we're all entitled to our standards. its aight as long as u make it clear early n dont waste each others time.

if she has enhancements n hides it cuz u might leave, she wrong. if u kno she has enhancement n that it disqualifies her from a future with u, u wld be wrong for leadin her on if u chose to continue seein her.
When I was dating I let everyone know we are only dating and there was no future. Hence the reason me and my wife were friends for years before we dated. She wasn't having that. When I reached a point when I was ready for a real committed relationship I approached her about it. Dating is dating. It's an minute by minute thing. At any point anyone can leave for every reason.
Maybe it's uncomfortable, expensive (bigger the cup, the more expensive), can't sleep at night on your back bc they cause slight suffocation, can't wear tops you desire, can't see your feet when you glance down, they catch crumbs, hinders you from performing jumping jacks...?:niggawhat:
When I was dating I let everyone know we are only dating and there was no future. Hence the reason me and my wife were friends for years before we dated. She wasn't having that. When I reached a point when I was ready for a real committed relationship I approached her about it. Dating is dating. It's an minute by minute thing. At any point anyone can leave for every reason.
glad u let every1 kno what time it was. I have no probs with ppls wants, preferences or plans if they're real with all of the involved. i c dating as a vetting step for relationship so we differ on that but it dont matter if u clarified ur way of seeing things for those chicks before your wife.
Maybe it's uncomfortable, expensive (bigger the cup, the more expensive), can't sleep at night on your back bc they cause slight suffocation, can't wear tops you desire, can't see your feet when you glance down, they catch crumbs, hinders you from performing jumping jacks...?:niggawhat:
im on my way to ur inbox.
glad u let every1 kno what time it was. I have no probs with ppls wants, preferences or plans if they're real with all of the involved. i c dating as a vetting step for relationship so we differ on that but it dont matter if u clarified ur way of seeing things for those chicks before your wife.

im on my way to ur inbox.
please excuse my forwardness but that means you only date people you see a future with and you only sleep with them at that point? I hate to sound bad but dating to me was spending time with people and at that point had nothing to do with looking for a wife.