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Did integration hurt or help us as black people?

In the clip DB talks about how integration was worse than slavery, because at least in slavery niggas knew they had to fight. While relaxing into integration lead us to giving up ownership over children neighborhoods and ourselves.

I sort of 75% agree. We stopped fighting for Black rights and started fighting for multiculturalism and diversity somewhere around the 80s and 90s. We let ourselves get lost in that, but people forget in America it's all about ownership.

So i can see where he coming from even if i don't agree with those sentiments 100%
I look at it like this, say u got above ground and levels below ground

Let’s say European Whites are above ground

Blacks were 100 ft below

Other races and or ethnicities were 80 ft below

Jews were 30 ft below

At some point in america Jews were elevated to ground levels and some in the air above it

Other Ect. Came to about 50 ft and blacks came to about 60ft

Then as time and history and change go by other Etc come to about 30 and blacks come to about 35

This is where integration of causes happens. To where honestly blacks and other etc. Are even at 20ft but still below. There are a handful that live at ground level but are still seen as dirty below dwellers to those that existed at ground level since the beginning.

But at that point it was the integration that got a few of those blacks from the 20’s to being ground level.

From what I gather and adding in Banners point. That entire group sitting at 20 should be ground level and those that were at ground level should view those that came from 20 as equals.

And if we don’t integrate causes and only focused on all of us at 20 then things would more with more force.

But the thing is, as minority’s we need the majority of that minority to make that happen.

The way I look at it, being realistic, that’s not going to happen. So integration is the only way we can mix minorities to create a majority.

And I get what he’s saying by integration I’m just putting it in a different perspective
Been saying this shit since the ic. We lost all of our businesses and all the upperclass black went running out of the hood once they where able to move around whitey. I wish we would of stayed segregated until WE got economically responsible, smart,and independent. Then we could talk about integration only for business purposes
i would say kinda of both.

the main problem is us...

it dont matter where we live...if we integrate or segregate....

we are our own problem.

we are too busy hurting each other over crumbs and hold each other back. not enough love for our own or helping our own.

we need to take more responsibility for where we are.

it starts at home and with the mentality of our people.
I'm a black carribbean descendant not AA but I'd have to agree that in the long run it hurt. For many of the reasons already listed but the biggest was the mental shackle it placed on the average black american mind. The psychological damage whites caused to black people via integration was critical. It really is freaking staggering and degenerating the AA community to this very day. Straight up poison.
I'm a black carribbean descendant not AA but I'd have to agree that in the long run it hurt. For many of the reasons already listed but the biggest was the mental shackle it placed on the average black american mind. The psychological damage whites caused to black people via integration was critical. It really is freaking staggering and degenerating the AA community to this very day. Straight up poison.
can we really blame them?

what about how we deal with shit?

just because a nigga gives me a gun and tells me this is for protection against the haters and niggas will try to take what i have...does that mean i should take it and look at all my brothers like they the enemy?

Its my fault if i take the gun.

its my fault if i use the gun against a imaginary threat.

where is our responsibility for allowing shit and taking whatever they give us?
can we really blame them?

what about how we deal with shit?

just because a nigga gives me a gun and tells me this is for protection against the haters and niggas will try to take what i have...does that mean i should take it and look at all my brothers like they the enemy?

Its my fault if i take the gun.

its my fault if i use the gun against a imaginary threat.

where is our responsibility for allowing shit and taking whatever they give us?

I could blame them because they caused it. If it wasn't for the mental hoodwinking done by whites on blacks during the CRM and post segregation there would probably not be so much complacency and dependency in American hoods. Psychological warfare at it's finest.
I could blame them because they caused it. If it wasn't for the mental hoodwinking done by whites on blacks during the CRM and post segregation there would probably not be so much complacency and dependency in American hoods. Psychological warfare at it's finest.


we are smart enough to do alot of things....the only reason we are not higher is because of systematic racism holding at certain levels. but thats for the ones who are attempting to rise up.

what about those that dont even try?

you from NYC correct?

I know you heard of a bumsrush.

alot of people never heard of it or even know what it means....for those that dont...its when bums used to rush the door of something. they cant stop them all nor can they catch them all...but they did what they had to do to get in to get what they needed and be out.

what i hear is niggas not even attemping...if the few that do...its so few that they can stop us.

but what if enough of us was equipped? what if enough of us bumsrush the door? they cant stop us all.

but even to form a group to bumsrush....we need to think alike and have a common goal in mind. once we stop attacking each other ....we can begin to form a plan that can take us far.

the video in the thread i posted.....what did them kids making the girl strip and punching her have to do with mental warfare on black people?

you can blame everyone .....but it dont matter....they carried it out.

the only thing that get into your head is what you allow.
Helped. Separate but equal was false. And also people have to intergrate if you live in a country with multiple ethnicities
also we are too busy chasing a dream white people made.

we are chasing their products and their cars and houses......

we are not making them chase us and our dollars....we are giving it to them for crumbs in return and shit that depreciates.

This is almost the exact same thing that I told someone on Youtube. We spend trillions of dollars & spend more than any other race. We need to direct out dollars towards our own business & communities. It's a foreign guy name Josh that owns numerous of stores & clubs in my city. All of them are in our communities. He is cool but I slick get annoyed by him pulling up in luxury cars & everything, & all of his success was built on the dollars of blacks. I'm almost 90% sure that he hasn't spent one nickel by given back to our community
Quality of life. My parents were poor they knew white folks wasnt bout shit. But think about if you have a group not intergrated into society isnt it much easier to get rid of them. Erase them so to speak. I feel intergration gave most of us way to see more than just the black side of town.

But with that you had people thinking white peoples ice is colder. And also like @OhMars said alot of blacks realized white folks aint shit and nasty as fuck.

we are smart enough to do alot of things....the only reason we are not higher is because of systematic racism holding at certain levels. but thats for the ones who are attempting to rise up.

what about those that dont even try?

you from NYC correct?

I know you heard of a bumsrush.

alot of people never heard of it or even know what it means....for those that dont...its when bums used to rush the door of something. they cant stop them all nor can they catch them all...but they did what they had to do to get in to get what they needed and be out.

what i hear is niggas not even attemping...if the few that do...its so few that they can stop us.

but what if enough of us was equipped? what if enough of us bumsrush the door? they cant stop us all.

but even to form a group to bumsrush....we need to think alike and have a common goal in mind. once we stop attacking each other ....we can begin to form a plan that can take us far.

the video in the thread i posted.....what did them kids making the girl strip and punching her have to do with mental warfare on black people?

you can blame everyone .....but it dont matter....they carried it out.

the only thing that get into your head is what you allow.

There are 8 avenues where I live. The 3 by the parks and hudson are filled with white people. I dwell somewhere within the other 5. I'm in a ghetto filled with hispanics, latinos and black americans. Mostly dominicans.

Everyday I see:

Generational welfare as opposed to using it to build yourself up to where you no longer need it. Because they know "it's always there" (actual quote from someone I know). Because of that chaotic safety net people don't prioritize. Stay trapped forever.

That behavior was introduced and is enabled by mental conditioning created by white politicians that was a byproduct of integration.

Now do I fall into that line of thinking. Not really. Even when I do qualify for social services like food stamps I refuse them and always fend for myself anyway. Even though I PAY INTO THEM as a working NYer and thus am entitled I like to survive without an albatross around my neck.

I also like to speak to as many people as possible about creating a better reality for themselves so more of my people out here realize their true potential and start dodging the okey doke.

That's not what it's about though. The question was if integration was in the end more detrimental than anything for black americans and many of those people of color from across the world who also moved into their communities later. In my eyes from what I've seen all my life even in hoods outside my own it was.

I mean on top of the psychological element of basically coddling the baby by always keeping the bottle in it's mouth (the false security blankets that are the welfare and section 8 traps)

You also have the few exceptional avenues in every hood packed to the brim with white folks as opposed to people of color who have been there their whole lives. Eventually after stacking those white folks leave to the burbs and get replaced by....other white folks.

Integration was an insidious power play from white liberals that only benefitted their own in terms of quality of life. I'd be a fool to not believe that when I see it for myself every day.
Hurt ,basically it's just the illusion of integration but the damaging effect of it is very real..because whites and blacks don't typically live in the same neighborhoods... I mean there is a smattering.. and even when we goto the same schools they are sometimes separated for a number of reason and with that white flight/ gentrification.. that reveals the illusion

And the obvious is that when we integrated that aided in the erosion of our sense of community. Instead of fighting our fight we aspired to be included which was largely a mirage
The state of race relations in this country is in shambles on a macro level.. state of education, healthcare home ownership, the way they set up black and minority communities with housing project's zoning laws that differ from white communities is a stsrk difference soo on and so forth... but we are here now..you cant put it back in the box... but we can still work towards strengthening us.... you know where it starts
My thing is other groups intergrated and dont have this massive loss of sense of community from it. I dont feel that myself but my area is like half black. I think we also have this rosy view of our lives before intergration because i really dont think we stopped sticking together or that we had it better before intergration.