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Did integration hurt or help us as black people?

Did intergration hurt us or help as black people?
i've been leaning on hurting lately....

our conditions and progress might have been stunted early, but had we'd endured, i think we'd be much stronger and more conscious by this generation

i feel like black americans as a whole would control more wealth had we stayed segregated....

i could be wrong, but i've been leaning on that lately
Tough question because it starts in the middle. If the integration didn't come from slavery and forced segregation then it probably wouldn't have hurt us. But if you are isolating it then it hurt more of us than it helped. But are we truely intergrated?
I think it's a combination of both. It helped because, in a way, it helped to dispel the ideals in our ancestors that the white man were Gods walking on earth. Once we began to live around them as "equals", then we began to see it was all false and that were are just as capable, if not more, as they are. Our ancestors were dehumanized to such a point that they treated their seed as they were treated in a lot of cases. It took time, but i think some are waking up. But that seed of self hate was so deeply rooted, some slept pass the wake up call.

But i also think it hurt us because it out us back in isolation and hurt the community that was built out of necessity. Double edges sword for real.
Once we began to live around them as "equals", then we began to see it was all false and that were are just as capable, if not more, as they are.
My father went through this exact same thing. As a black man growing up in the heavily segregated south in the 50s he mythicized CAC's. When he joined the non segregated marines in the 60's he realized these white boys were slow, weak, and stupid.
Definitely hurt. Shooting up schools, bad hygiene, violent, hatred against others because of skin differences we didn't do carry out like that. Blackwallstreet, Rosewood, places like that were burned to the ground because of lies by white women.
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