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DeShaun Watson’s Legal Saga. Final Ruling: Suspended 11 games for the 2022 Season, fined $5M

In all honesty though from a purely football standpoint since most of yall seem to admit that at the very least Watson wasn't moving too smart...if you were a team GM or head coach would you really trust his leadership and decision making skills? Like if he really truly doesn't think he did anything wrong at all and even at best he was only propositioning women...what's to stop him from getting caught up again with another masseuse or 12?
If you want to leave a team, they can just pull out lawsuits from whole cloth, and when the dust settles people will treat the lawsuits as legitimate, totally discarding the nefarious origins.

That black folks participate in this okey-doke is just sad. End of the day either the Texans suppressed these stories until DeShaun wanted to leave, which means they can't be trusted. Or, they smearing his name with fabrications if not all out lies on his way of town, which again, means they can't be trusted.

White institutions should be operating from a trust deficit in any situation such as this. We can always pivot if and when we find out someone is guilty of wrongdoing, I am no way advocating blind faith, reserve the right to call a spade a spade. But, we really should be rallying around our own in support and not splintering cause that's permission for them to keep ostracizing ours, while excusing their own people.
In the grand scheme of things, no

His life and the accusers lives will never be the same after this.

I also don't place a value on money like most people do but if he's found guilty in civil suits, then what do you think is going to happen to that money

He said the truth came out and he’s doing better along with getting a bigger check

How is that not a win
I don’t want to sound like a homer

But I think he signs with the Saints its less backlash with a woman owning the team


You trippin with this take. I think it'd actually be worse. Women would feel betrayed by another woman. Then even more men would be talking about even women don't take other women's claims seriously.

Shit would be much worse because it would be even more angles for people to talk shit about.
IMO regardless of the outcome once a person is accused of any type of sexual assault. There is no win to be had. Said person's name will forever linked to sexual assault. Some people will always think they are guilty. Kids can talk shit to your kids about their father being a rapist just to be disrespectful. It can always be brought up in any interview he does for the rest of his life. 230 mill doesn't erase that.