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To Du point, none of the on screen iterations of batman have ever delved into the detective part of batman. I wanna see that on screen
Like younger Batman just lost his parents

Afflecks Batman lost his parents, a robin, and Barbra got shot on his watch
To Du point, none of the on screen iterations of batman have ever delved into the detective part of batman. I wanna see that on screen
Affleck going to lex's party and having the run in with lex, Diana and clark without blowing his cover (well Diana knew) was more recon than they did on screen with any other Bruce.
For example... Dark knight ESPECIALLY....

There was a lot between Bruce and alfred on the batcave.... Alfred trying to help Batman understand what he's up against... They do it again with bane when alfred explained that Batman wasn't ready for bane.....

That Alfred/Batman dynamic is important. It's crucial to his character.... They didn't do too much with it with Keatons batman. Alfred was there.... But you didn't see the Alfred that challenges his thinking process as much.

And Nolan's Alfred was amazing. I just hate Bale

Afflecks Batman has the perfect cinematic balance of Alfred/Bruce arguments. Those scenes again made me feel this was the best version of Batman.

Even with superman coming to the batcave.
Bruce joking to the team he works for Alfred. Aquaman liking Alfred more than Bruce. Alfred losing his shit as Diana 5,000 year old ass butchers tea.

Like that on screen dynamic only puts more behind way this is the way to do Batman.
Can somebody explain why this wasn’t the original release?

This is clearly ten times better...what’s the backstory?
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Can somebody explain why this wasn’t the original release?

This is clear ten times better...what’s the e backstory?
Snyder wanted to do a trilogy and shot a whole bunch of footage to that end...

Then his daughter died I think, and he had to leave the project. Everything was at a halt until Josh Weedon came in.

The studio told him to take the existing footage and chop it into one film, and gave him a shitty budget and a ridiculously short time line.

He did the best he could with what we had....
When Snyder saw it, he started talking about how much better his cut was.... He leaked a lot of the story board... Ray fisher jumped in on it, cuz it was most of his scenes that were cut.. Affleck was also saying the Snyder cut was better, and so the legend of the Snyder cut began....

With the hbo max deal..

Hbo was like.... Yo if we give you some money... Can you finish it?

So this is it. This is pretty much the first and half of the second movie we were supposed to get from Snyder had he gotten the trilogy he wanted originally
Keaton was good... And nothing will make me down his performance or make excuses for it...

They actually changed the way they had Batman in the comics to match Keaton a little more it was dope....

But he did play a younger Batman. The movie was his first interaction with the joker. The second gets on my nerves cuz I hate Michelle phiffer as Catwoman.. But that's another discussion.

My point is.. From a fans perspective

Older Batman>>>>>>>>>younger Batman

And because I feel he embodied the role. He's going to be my favorite Batman by default.

I get the point of both batmen. Both movie cartoon n comics....I just feel Affleck couldn't f with Keaton's. And Keaton's never came off young or old just came off as batman...."dark n mysterious " plus Keaton's never look young playing batman..ha ha.

But yea not trying to sway your opinion. Think not many would agree w you. Which it's your opinion, so it's cool.

Plus we about to see a old grizzly keaton batman when they do that flash movie..
I get the point of both batmen. Both movie cartoon n comics....I just feel Affleck couldn't f with Keaton's. And Keaton's never came off young or old just came off as batman...."dark n mysterious " plus Keaton's never look young playing batman..ha ha.

But yea not trying to sway your opinion. Think not many would agree w you. Which it's your opinion, so it's cool.

Plus we about to see a old grizzly keaton batman when they do that flash movie..
Which could impact my decision as well...

I mean I was always heavy on Affleck, but the full Snyder cut, mainly the epilogue pushed me over.

A gritty enough Keaton... especially if he plays the batman beyond version. That could be epic
Shit was tough. Snyder took a 5/10 movie and turned it to a 9/10.

Loved the back stories on all of them, especially Cyborg. Can’t wait till Darkseid starts puttin in work.

Fire everyone at the WB who let that first movie come out, and just let Snyder have full reign of the DCU.
If you watch the justice league cartoons, and the DC animated movies. Which I feel really encapsulated batman to me. Even if you played the games, the batman I expect is the batman that moves quick, decisive, and is always a step ahead.

Affleck's batman...like they joked about in this film..and made it seem like it was a recent thing but it wasnt. Affleck's batman acted on faith way more than he did reason, detective work, and chess like thought.

Aqua man doesnt turn down the batman from that universe, batman isnt surprised that barry allen is on board right away, batman doesnt get outflanked by wonder woman, batman is already aware that clark is superman, so that seen where hes talking to alfred in the ear piece and Clark hears him, doesnt happen.

Affleck's super power in this iteration of batman is that hes rich, the other iteration, his super power is that he is a fucking genius...plus hes rich
Dope movie. I don't know how you get what they originally gave us out of this but someone needs their ass whooped. Not perfect but this is a totally different film than what we were given. And it's 100 times better.
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Article from yesterday
Apparently Warner Bros doesn't want a sequel to this. I think they'll change their mind after the reviews come in. Or someone from AT&T is going to swoop down and tell them to make more
Article from yesterday
Apparently Warner Bros doesn't want a sequel to this. I think they'll change their mind after the reviews come in. Or someone from AT&T is going to swoop down and tell them to make more
If they don't listen then I say we surround their office building with torches and pitchforks in hand and drag every one of those bad decision making muphukas out into the street then tar and feather the.. That'll teach them to fuck up the things we enjoy.
The video game Batman from the Arkham series seems closer to Affleck than other live action incarnations

But I'll drop it....a lot of people just don't like Affleck in that role... And I get it, cuz I feel the same about Bale
If they don't listen then I say we surround their office building with torches and pitchforks in hand and drag every one of those bad decision making muphukas out into the street then tar and feather the.. That'll teach them to fuck up the things we enjoy.

Off the article how do you figure they can do a sequel? Ben, Henry and Ray are out.