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Snyder cut is gonna be a lot of "I wonder how that Batman dream would be if it went 30 minutes longer??"
Let's show like 25 more minutes of the flash flashback with him and iris
I mean, I'd love more of the dream. I'd love to see what they were planning to do with this Iris. What kind of personality she has in these films vs the one on TV.... Cuz we can see they also went with a black chick.

I'm excited about stuff like that. But that shit ain't winning no new fans
First and foremost I want a good movie.

I disagree with whoever said if you didn't like the first release then this not gonna make you a fan. I think seeing the one the the director envisioned when he signed on to do the project should be viewed as such. i.e. you can absolutely hate the first one but absolutely love this one.

Third. I want more of these types of movie lengths for this genre. I know it's super hard already trying to decide what to keep vs what to cut when you're drawing inspiration from several comics in an arch then trying to fit that in a little over 2hrs. Make that shit 4 hours and tell the story the way you want

Lastly, I want more of these films catered to adults. More adult themed stories, tones, language, etc...

I hope this film sets a trend with all these things I've mentioned
From what I can tell DC has been doing those things, but people have been saying "DC movies are too dark. They're too depressing." "Add some color." "Be more lighthearted and less serious"

There's a reason they even did reshoots the first time to add more comedy. I remember saying when I saw that trailer for JL and was like "Oh they cracking jokes now?"
From what I can tell DC has been doing those things, but people have been saying "DC movies are too dark. They're too depressing." "Add some color." "Be more lighthearted and less serious"

There's a reason they even did reshoots the first time to add more comedy. I remember saying when I saw that trailer for JL and was like "Oh they cracking jokes now?"

By "people" do you mean the execs? I dont think any of the fans were clamoring for a lighthearted movie with Batman in it
I just watched a trailer breakdown video,one guy said that the dream sequence is actually gonna be real,the humans of earth get turned into parademons and the League realizes that they can't beat Darkseid and Lois gets killed and Darkseid corrupts Superman. This would be a great ending,it could also set up Flashpoint if they have to go back in time.
It’s not a dream. It’s not a hoax. Justice has finally been delivered. On Sunday morning, HBO Max released the full trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the film that only a year ago many said didn’t exist, and even if it did, wouldn’t be released.

And now, here we are just a little over a month out from the release of the film that has been a passion project for both fans and the director himself. If there was any remaining notion among general audiences that the Snyder Cut was just the studio butchered 2017 film with some additional scenes, the full trailer dispels all of that. What we’re getting a glimpse of is something that looks and feels entirely new, and continues the themes of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel (2013) and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) in a meaningful way. Yes, it’s a superhero film, but as someone who has only grown increasingly aware of his own race in this current climate, it feels like more than that.
For all the anticipation that comes with seeing these heroes team up, it is their individual moments that this trailer focuses on, suggesting some major soul searching from the film’s central characters following the death of Superman. Even with little dialogue exchanged between heroes, there is a subtext in the images on screen found. There is the suggestion of Wonder Woman confronting what her godhood means in the face of New Gods, of Batman struggling to regain the honor he lost in a conversation with the Joker (Jared Leto), of Superman learning to fly to new heights with the words of Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) guiding him, and Cyborg undergoing his own “first flight,” with a match-cut between he and Superman suggesting that of all the characters Victor Stone may be closest to the ideal of Superman and idea of what it means to exist as a hero while being simultaneously othered by society.

It’s that last point that really drives home the importance of this film’s release for me, especially as someone who has always aligned Snyder’s Superman, in part, with the Black experience in America. To have an actual Black character appear to carry that torch forward, is not only significant but potentially revolutionary. Because it’s not just a desire to see ourselves in costumes as heroes, but to see ourselves as heroes with respect given to the fact of how we are treated differently even with all of our power, how our voices take longer to be heard, and how our flight is a greater struggle because we’re always starting on lower ground.

And it’s not just Cyborg’s journey in these films that holds the promise of illuminating how we see ourselves. The members of the Justice League each taken on a greater significance in regards to our current conversations surrounding inclusivity. The vast majority of fans of Snyder’s DC films that I’ve encountered on social media, and had genuine conversations with, are not straight white males. When I saw the release of the Ultimate Edition of BvS, the majority of the audience was comprised of Black people and women. These metrics mean something, and too often go unacknowledged in favor of long held personal biases.

These are superheroes writ large within our current considerations of politics, social justice, race, and theology. It is those moments that fans of Snyder’s DC films, particularly those who have been marginalized, have come to expect. It is for those moments that #ReleasetheSnyderCut ever became a thing in the first place. When you cut through all the noise and antagonism, created by those so fervently against the film that they entered the realm of fabrication and cruelty, and those so fixated upon the film’s release that they’ve become just as cruel, no longer upholding the values of the heroes they claim to love, when you get past all of that, you have a story about incredible individuals simply trying to be better. What could be more human? What could be more optimistic? I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been disturbed by both vicious personal attacks on the filmmaker from bloggers, and the cult-like behavior from fans who have turned to harassment again, and again.

I think expectations need to be realistic.

If you HATED the first movie, I don't think an extended cut is going to make you fall in love with the movie.

The people who will mostly appreciate this are people who are already fans of the first film and just want to see all the extra footage.

I feel like we're going to run into another WW84 situation where actual fans are gonna be happy and think it's great.... And then there's going to be eager people rushing in to make jokes and complain it's the same movie
Lol @ the bold. We got to stop painting false narratives. Just like me there is enty of fans of WW and DC who just legit found the movie no where near the first movies level so calling it a big step down doesn't make nobody a hater.
Thinking extended footage of a film you didn't like it's going to "save" it seems like you're setting yourself up to be disappointed.

I think the additions are going to be largely fan service. Shit from the comics. Dope visuals. I'm not expecting a complete different movie.

Like for example...a much longer Batman dream sequence is being shown in the trailers. They said Snyder had a shit load of footage from when they shot bvs that he planned on using in the upcoming justice league movies.

The dream sequence in bvs imo was one of the better parts of that movie...... But it was real short. And mad people were complaining about Batman using guns.... So to see like a 15 minutes more of that or however much of that that alternate reality that shot will get mixed reviews given how much you liked that part.

Now if you never cared for that scene. How can you be excited about a longer version of it?

I think most of the Snyder cut is going to be more of stuff we already saw just..... More if that makes sense

Du, I legit watched the first one one time. I don't remember anything outside of the major set pieces. As far as I'm concerned, this is a new film and I think you're seriously underestimating the additional content.

I just looked. The first one was 90 min. LMAO. Snyder's version clocks in at 4+ hrs.

This ain't just a end credits scene they're adding. C'mon brah lol
By "people" do you mean the execs? I dont think any of the fans were clamoring for a lighthearted movie with Batman in it
No I mean viewers, fans. Just look at some of the comments sections of these places. I think even people on, the former website most of us used to frequent, wanted DC movies to be more light like a comic book and not all serious and realistic.
Haven't read through the thread so dunno if this was mentioned, but im curious about the encounter batman has with joker in the knightmare scene. It didn't seem they were ready to fight or anything. I dont expect leto to have a major role or a shit ton of screen time but as theres obviously bigger shit to deal with than joker, it would be kind of cool to see joker assist batman and cyborg somehow against the parademons/evil superman.
Du, I legit watched the first one one time. I don't remember anything outside of the major set pieces. As far as I'm concerned, this is a new film and I think you're seriously underestimating the additional content.

I just looked. The first one was 90 min. LMAO. Snyder's version clocks in at 4+ hrs.

This ain't just a end credits scene they're adding. C'mon brah lol

Thank You

Du acting like they just releasing the deleted scenes from the 1st one.

Yeah there's gonna be scene from the 1st, along w/ stuff they cut from the 1st, but also new stuff as well.