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Hmm okay fair enough

also you get to watch the movie now seeing more of Wonder Woman, aquaman and the rest because you seen more solo movies and the shitty justice league which helps
Yeah, but these will be much more serious versions than that Goofy WW84 and Aquaman that we got. I think flash will still have a little bit of humor, but I assume he will be more serious in the film as well. Ezra pleaded with the studio for his Flash film to be a more serious film than what it sounds like the studio is going for.

I cant recall if he succeeded or not, but he told the studio to halt production and give him and grant morrison the shot to write a new script as the previous writers (cant remember their name but they made some disney or pixar film and I think were the writers for spiderman homecoming) were having creative differences. He may have won them over because they are no longer attached to the movie, and the new director is the Director for the recent IT films. Movie is supposed to start production soon. We've heard that several times already, damn near 5 years or longer, but everything is really in place and the director is on board so it should start this year within the next few months if im not mistaken.

Also going to be given a whole lot more of cyborg in the film. No Edited Cavill mouth. We will see Martian Manhunter. I believe more Green Lantern as well. I dont think zack confirmed it to be Hal Jordan, but he said that a Green Lantern will show up outside of the apokolips scene.
lol my fault. yeah so the TRAILER drops in 2 days.. but the whole movie drops at once.. I thought they originally said it was gonna be released in pieces/episodes instead of all at once then switched it up
They changed this about a week or two ago. Where you been
Yeah, but these will be much more serious versions than that Goofy WW84 and Aquaman that we got. I think flash will still have a little bit of humor, but I assume he will be more serious in the film as well. Ezra pleaded with the studio for his Flash film to be a more serious film than what it sounds like the studio is going for.

I cant recall if he succeeded or not, but he told the studio to halt production and give him and grant morrison the shot to write a new script as the previous writers (cant remember their name but they made some disney or pixar film and I think were the writers for spiderman homecoming) were having creative differences. He may have won them over because they are no longer attached to the movie, and the new director is the Director for the recent IT films. Movie is supposed to start production soon. We've heard that several times already, damn near 5 years or longer, but everything is really in place and the director is on board so it should start this year within the next few months if im not mistaken.

Also going to be given a whole lot more of cyborg in the film. No Edited Cavill mouth. We will see Martian Manhunter. I believe more Green Lantern as well. I dont think zack confirmed it to be Hal Jordan, but he said that a Green Lantern will show up outside of the apokolips scene.
I didn't know Martian Manhunter was going to be in it. It'd be interesting to see how they CGI him and his powers
He looked dope to me in that HBO Max screenshot cause I didn't like his look in the first initial trailer
Ahh ok

I'm not gonna nitpick it but something still looks off. Maybe because I'm inadvertantly comparing him to thanos and we were able to see how they changed him over time until infinity wars.

I will say he looks a lot better than the initial trailer but still seems like he's missing some seasoning or something

At either rate, I'm looking forward to seeing this
I don’t see the point of showing a trailer for a director’s cut of a movie that was already seen


like why would you show even more? You can’t even say the trailer is gonna help with marketing when nerds been crying for this cut for YEARS

That's because it's not a complete director's cut. They spent like 20-30M to reshoot some stuff.

It's basically like a redo
Why Granny Goodness look like Elizabeth Warren? Lol

LMAO, TRUE!! ???

Can't wait to see the Omega Beams from Darkseid. I'm hyped

Also not sure if it'll be used the same way but in Superman Doomsday he used the black suit to recharge from the sun during combat

I'm hyped lol

I'm really excited too. I'm curious about how the Omega beams are going to appear as well as the black suit's functions.
Lol @ having to redo such a major film like Justice League cause it was so butchered the first time around.

By some lazy ass racist, misogynistic crackers who are only one investigation away from jail and the toxic, thrifling Twinkie Coon who enabled this shit from the start on top of that...
That's because it's not a complete director's cut. They spent like 20-30M to reshoot some stuff.

It's basically like a redo
20-30M’s just doesn’t seem like enough for what they are claiming all they did. Like people are saying this is just a whole different movie, I’d just think you’d need more. Idk in a bit iffy but we shall see...
I think expectations need to be realistic.

If you HATED the first movie, I don't think an extended cut is going to make you fall in love with the movie.

The people who will mostly appreciate this are people who are already fans of the first film and just want to see all the extra footage.

I feel like we're going to run into another WW84 situation where actual fans are gonna be happy and think it's great.... And then there's going to be eager people rushing in to make jokes and complain it's the same movie