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Group think...

It's a real thing.

People will attach themselves to a belief or ideal because of perceived acceptance of better yet harmony within a social group.

Everybody thinks it's fun and funny to shit on DCEU movies, so even in the face of a good one, they will trash it to be included in the fun trend of giving DCEU shit.

I don't even take the shit seriously no more.

Shit sad forreal ??‍♂️
But it didn't happen for the first Wonder Woman so....
Still wasn't no where near as bad as everbody making it out to be

It's not even a bad movie... It had a few heavy flaws... But the goods greatly outweighed. Niggaz doubling down on the bads like the shit was unbearable.

It's just silly....
Movie was shit du.

The kind of shit that just keeps making a mess and wont wipe right...just keeps traveling further and further from the exit, smearing and smearing like cold grease on a countertop.
Maybe 85