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Shoot, I forgot how SOME of "The guys" on this forum feel about differing opinions
Shoot, I forgot how SOME of "The guys" on this forum feel about differing opinions
Say man while you’re at it you think you can finally answer my question? I know you been busy hiding and shit niggas just need answers. Come on fam it’s Sunday, a holy day you might say. It’s been almost a month now I’m sure it gets tiring running from accountability. If you need help I’ll link it to you if need be.

This movie was doomed due to Ezra's antics,they couldn't really promote the film correctly like having Ezra go on the talk show circuit so they had to show the best parts (Batman cameo,Zod cameo) in the trailer.
This movie was doomed due to Ezra's antics,they couldn't really promote the film correctly like having Ezra go on the talk show circuit so they had to show the best parts (Batman cameo,Zod cameo) in the trailer.
Naaaah even with his antics if it was a good film and they didn't announce before this shit even hit theaters that none of this shit matters it may have done better. Alot of factors played into this shit flopping and Ezra being a fuckin real life villain is at the bottom of the list imo
If the film was seen as overall good by the general public, it would have been propelled by word of mouth. That's how Spider-Verse is still doing numbers a whole month later. Shit, I know people who have seen it multiple times