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Word. But thats not what really bothers me.

Im a comic reader and in the comics, Marvel powerscales way better than DC.

Its still comics and some of these mfers are planet busters and shit, so its still not 100% consistent, but Marvel does it better.

Like Cap, Thor, and Hulk can all be avengers, but Cap will almost never get the last hit on a mfer. Everyone will play their role. If they are fighting a strong ass mfer, Cap will be the leader and tell Hulk to go left and Thor to go right, and then Cap will go move mfers out the way.

In DC, it be some shit like, they fighting a mfer that can move faster than a human can think, and the villian fucks EVERYONE up, but batman somehow gets away and then comes back with a plan to free the captured mfers and win.

Shit be destroying Justice League comics.


As a Batman fan, I’m starting to think you the the opps, bro.

Say it ain’t so.
Fixed that for you, bro.

Batman has had enough and he decides that he is going to kill the Joker to avenge Jason's death. When he tracks the Joker to New York City, though, he is shocked when Superman (doing sort of the same role he played in Dark Knight Returns) has to tell him that he can't touch the Clown Prince of Crime. As it turned out, the Joker has cut a deal with Iran (we even meet the Ayatollah earlier in the comic)...and was now the Iran Ambassador to the United Nations, with full diplomatic immunity!
Bats gotta code and that's respectable
But he throws people off of buildings all the time.
If he's not gonna kill joker at least have that crazy cac sippin peas and carrot smoothies for the rest of his life. Everybody wins.

Lol @ extradition laws stopping bruce
So the reason Batman didn't kill Joker after Jason Todd cuz this nigga joker left the country and became a citizen of one if the countries we had a hostile relationship with. Superman had to tell him chill, cuz killing joker would have literally started WW3 🧐
Bats gotta code and that's respectable
But he throws people off of buildings all the time.
If he's not gonna kill joker at least have that crazy cac sippin peas and carrot smoothies for the rest of his life. Everybody wins.

Lol @ extradition laws stopping bruce

That fuck nigga will kill some flunky bad guys but never the crazed mass murdering serial killer.....seems legit
Idk how I feel about this movie. Like it was good, but I wasn't hype about it. It'll have to grow on me.

Liked detective batman. And I liked that the movie went out its way to show that Bruce is actually a fuckin loser lol. Like where did you get the audacity to show up to anything in that dickhead costume lmaoooo. The parallel between batman and his villains has always been there...fam you just as crazy and dogmatic as the joker and whoever else. But it was really well done with this one.
That commissioner didn't want him there because he himself was ylcrThis is year two Batman they still haven't warmed up to him yet. Every Batman movie we've seen when he first started out he never really had quite a warm welcome matter of fact the cops shot at him in the first time Burton movie.
The shit around the police not trusting him was also treated in a childish ass way.

"Whats he doing here!?"

"Hes a freak"

All of that shit could have been handled better imo.
So the reason Batman didn't kill Joker after Jason Todd cuz this nigga joker left the country and became a citizen of one if the countries we had a hostile relationship with. Superman had to tell him chill, cuz killing joker would have literally started WW3 🧐
He was more than a citizen . He became an emirate or a sheik of whatever fictional DC middle eastern country and gained diplomatic immunity. Bruce wanted to kill him but knew he couldn't. That stand off between ruce and joker was hilarious.