Suicide squad was very fixable, but the version they gave us wasnt it....
I liked it, but I can't ignore the flaws.
Leto is a great actor, but they gave him shit to work with and cut a lot out. The shit was just a mess. The whole joker side story was a mess. And it just didn't work for me. One scene in particular with him could have salvaged a lot.... But they were so scared of an abusive joker it hurt the movie.
The villain and Waller had some confusing ass motives. There's a million suicide squad mission that make more sense. There's a million bad guys the SS could have fought that would have been better on camera. I can't explain or excuse what they did with the villains, their motives or the plot.
However, the music was amazing. Will was hilarious. The action was dope. Some of the shots and sets were great. The laughs were cool.
It has rewatch appeal.... Every time it's on TV I turn it up and watch it through. So I like the movie. But all the flaws and shit stick out like crazy so I know it's far from a perfect movie.
It's definitely the weakest imo and deserved a lot of hate it caught