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Unsurprisingly getting shitted on. That New Mutants movie is gonna be God awful too whenever it actually comes out.

Brighter days are finally ahead for the franchise though

New Mutants would have been something I would look forward to 'cause I was a huge fan of the comic in its early days. But they whitewashed the cast and made it into a pseudo-horror movie so fuck that flick.
Im watching dofp and its a crying shame when I see what this franchisecouldve been. They jumped too high with age of apocalypse and failed. I hate them for bringing back quicksilver because the mcu had to kill him off. You canthave scarlett witch without quicksilver. It annoys me how 12 year olds and millenials are fans of him. . They should've left him in dofp becaus3 he sucked in the other two movies.
Not so fast.....


...still one more Fox bomb to go.

This doesn't even count in my eyes.
I'm probably see this but I know they can't wrap the Dark Phoenix saga in 2hr movie. Hell this comic book arc was almost 20 issues. If this was done by Marvel this would've had to be like a 2 to 3 part movie.
@AP21 will there be a separate spoiler thread for this bullshit or we keeping it all in here in spoiler tags?
if ya'll want one, I'll make it, but i'on think nobody breaking their necks to see this lol

shit, tell me what it's about ...idgaf lol
Aite bet.. lol I watched a so so cam the other day and wanted to shit on this movie. I'll wait till more folks have seen it tho lmao
i'm going to be standing in line for three hours for the midnight showing
I'll say this... This shit was so rushed and uninspired man.....It's not like they even took any care with this shit knowing it was their last X-men film.. it was just on some... welp... we gotta put SOMETHING out... let's try to tell this epic story that we fucked up the last go around as quickly as possible one mo time.


The only thing Fox got right was the casting.. and these actors talents were absolutely wasted. It's gonna be a shame they can't be apart of the MCU.
I hope that any producers, writers or studio execs that were involved in this shit never touch anything xmen related again lol
My girl loves all the X-men movies despite how trash they’ve been and is making me take her Saturday. I wanna ditch her and go see Brightburn but she’s too scared for that. FOH!!!
My 20 year old just got back from seeing it and she said she almost got up and left three times because of how trash this flick is. She had nothing but negative shit to say about it.

I did ask her if there was a post or mid credit scene and she said she didn't even stick around to see.