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dababy gets dragged for homophobic remarks

I mean let's not make it seem like Dua Lipa and DaBaby have some kinda decades long friendship where they've been close for ages and have made tons of records together. They just had one of the most popular newer rappers hop on a remix for one of the biggest pop acts in the last few years. It's just business for them and DaBaby making everyone around him look bad right now.
I know, just pointing out how these artists pick and choose who to cancel.

Dua just jumped on pop smokes track for his new album, same dude known for saying " can't fuck with these niggas cuz they gay"

And she's a huge eminem fam, MMLP alone is prolly one of the most homophobic albums
The fact that he's doubled down on his comments and tried pulling the "you guys should respect how I think and feel as well" route shows how sorry he really is
Thats why I dont get all the "no dont throw him away" talk. Show interest in doing and being better and ppl will be receptive.

But we live in the time of "im gettin money so how can you tell me I'm wrong"
You can't expect people to have unlimited amounts of grace and patience for people so how much time should be allowed? Especially in a time where you say some ignorant shit that you have no excuse for not knowing the truth about at this point.
That I can’t answer.... I’m certain there are niggas in his ear about this shit right now....let’s see how it plays the next couple of weeks
Everything is always some kind of phobia or labeled as something deeming these days.

From folks being Bi-Phobia because they wouldn’t date a bi person

To folks being transphobic because they wouldn’t date a transgender because if don’t you don’t believe they are really their new gender

these terms is coming from the LBGT community

what he said was ignorant not homophobic