I am just saying, y'all be accept grown ass men turning themselves into women so they can do women track and MMA and shit, like that ain't some explotlitative shit.
Might as well accept the Rachel Dolozals of the world.
Ain't like transgender folks got any argument about why they wanna be transgender other than their feelings.
Shit, we used to have wiggers back in the day that was "blacker" than a lot of motherfuckers. Just like we got men who are more feminine than some women and vice versa.
Might as well let people go be who they really are on the inside. Let them live their truth, as y'all like to say.
If a motherfucker wanna be Black, then so be it, already gotta put up with all the other weirdos that think they are horses and shit.
How is someone becoming Black hurting anybody?