It’s not like blacks never accepted it it’s just that it was a live and let live situation. I went to school with gay niggas, no one ever really bothered them at all from my recollection.
It’s not like blacks never accepted it it’s just that it was a live and let live situation. I went to school with gay niggas, no one ever really bothered them at all from my recollection.
Bottom line.
It wasnt accepted by blacks until recently and not fully.
Why is that hard for you to understand
I wonder how many people really truly believe this is a woman or just calling em what they want to avoid the bullshit
The dumbest shit gets defended
:uknowimright:I mean would you fight the guy over that tho? Seems a bad move
Certain ones in the gay community parrot the talking points of the gay white supremacists and shit on black men like we’re the enemy.
White folks embrace gayness through their history. They dont hate it
All throughout ALL OF BLACK CULTURE ON THIS EARTH homosexuality was never accepted till recently. Seems more like white culture that made black culture accept it and thats why they run the LGBT.
Nothing wrong with being gay though
plz post evidence of such claims
Certain ones identify with their sexuality more than their like who being that gay black men are apart of the community so are they shitting on themselves
Why are black men painted as the biggest enemies of gay people? All this false narrative of “homophobia in the black community”?so whats the problem?
Why are black men painted as the biggest enemies of gay people? All this false narrative of “homophobia in the black community”?
Why are black men painted as the biggest enemies of gay people? All this false narrative of “homophobia in the black community”?
Nobody ever said Homosexuality was introduced to Africa.
It just was never accepted
Dense ass nigga
Obviously you ain’t read shit so maybe shut the fuck up sometimes because you’re stupid af often. Stick to sports.