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OPINION Contradictions and Lies! Exposing the Democratic Party

honestly, this whole stock market debacle proves that poverty is man made and class mobility is largely a myth. there should be no reason ppl are fighting, killing, wheeling and dealing at the bottom just for scraps of the american pie.

thats why i get super irritated when ppl have a weak class analysis and speak ill about those in the magrins struggling to survive.

rich mfers are screwing over everybody.

stop speaking on ppl on welfare, stop looking down at those on governement assistance, stop concering yourself with what ppl do with their tax returns or stimulus checks

the game is rigged and in the famous words of george carlin

“the reason they call it the american dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."
it makes the words of @/mister B even worse.

in here calling ppl brokie and desperate

jokes on all of us
You still are. And like I said, I only said “brokie” over your unreasonable impatience and total ignorance over the entire process of relief, knowing that Congress has to pass this bill before anyone gets ANYTHING.

Like I said, it’s been a WEEK. You do know it took months for the first checks to go out, right? I didn’t hear you cursing out Donnie Dumbass back then.

That’s right, this only only a thread for when the Shit-O-Crats fuck up, but their MAGA King gets the holiest of passes.

Next time, don’t fake invoke my name. And go learn about Civics.

Hypocritical Ignorant Dipshit Rage Queen Brokie.

i dont agree with disanthrope as cops kill ppl of all races but are we really going to act like Black ppl dont die for anything other than being Black?

what point are you trying to prove here?
That's my bad tho I should have said "I don't remember George Floyd being Asian"

I was specifically talking about him not any victim
i dont agree with disanthrope as cops kill ppl of all races but are we really going to act like Black ppl dont die for anything other than being Black?

what point are you trying to prove here?

90% troll response but the other 10% was just to show some context, this didn’t come outta nowhere