Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
LmaoooooI remind you what Pro-Black truly is, and if that if you’re really Pro-Black, you’d see where your shortcomings are on this issue and work on them.
Pro black folks don't take selfies with coffee breath crackers
Pro black people don't call sisters like Race Jones "darkie" like you did, remember?
The word darkie is very much in your vocabulary. Matter of fact you introduced that word to this forum
You're another compromised negro surrounded by a bunch of white liberals at Abbott Elementary in philly. You're never going to have an opinion that veers away from theirs. That's why anti-democrat talk gets you angry because you know the cacs at your job would be angry hearing it and the last thing you want is smoke in the Teachers Lounge
You're a coon ass minion. That's why you get angry at me for telling the truth
The Democratic party is the enemy of the black community and you want to fight me for saying so.
You're a plantation enforcer and that's all you'll ever be. You're the slave they would take with them to catch Runaways. I've been out running your dumb ass for 7 years
How can I expect some ham n egger like you who wears condoms with his WIFE to want what's best for black people?
How can I expect some simpleton who posts disgusting pic of his filthy toenails to do what's best for black people?
You don't even want what's best for yourself