lmaooooooooo vying for a liberal trump is hilarious at best. if voting is our best weapon we are fucking doomed.
newsflash: nobody is going to save you. there are no heroes in the heart of empire. we are the leaders we are looking for
wake up
lmaooooooooo vying for a liberal trump is hilarious at best. if voting is our best weapon we are fucking doomed.
newsflash: nobody is going to save you. there are no heroes in the heart of empire. we are the leaders we are looking for
wake up
oh I get it now....
you hopeless- it’s game over in your mind.
voting doesn’t work and doesn’t matter cause the whole system is riggged and all you can do is take care of yourself....but in general everyone doomed. Or at least the country is. And the people are. Especially the minorities and women doomed. Hmmmm ok
I’m not gonna get too complex cause if you honestly that fatalistic nothing a rando on a website gonna say sway you....
me - I don’t think the world doomed....I’m from the hood but I’m not in the hood currently. I’m also a descendant of slaves and not a slave...and since books exist I can see the story playing out and I can guess what happens next...
here is my attempt tho Race...
In mass and individually.......voting, continual education, lack of fear of leaving a bad situation or area and working hard - and consistently........doing these things religiously work.....
take Each on at a time-
‘voting -
best tool cause it’s the only real tool. But you can’t just vote Democrat for 70 years and think the Democrats gonna help You...you have to demand that who ever you vote for earns your vote by working in your own best interest. But.....you can’t know what’s in your own best interest if you uneducated....so uh oh...you gotta do step 2
continual education....
Not just college or what ever...you have to stay engaged and continue to study a variety of subjects to stay educated because the topic of first importance (survival ) is constant but the second and 3rd and 4th most important topics change...freedom +health + happiness alllll change in order of importance so you gotta stay plugged in....Twitter quotes are not helpful unless they prompt you to ask “Why” and “what can be done about it”....
Lack of fear of moment...
If you in the hood reading this...do YOU a favor....move out... leave with nothing but the money in your pocket and the clothes on your back....why? Nipsy/Dolp/von)
ask your self when was the last time someone was murdered IN your hood, then ask when the last violent crime occured, then ask yourself if this is normal.....if those things are just Normal to YOU....you have to move....if you know either the killer/killed - criminal/victim in any of these things (nipsy/dolp /von). If the kids in these areas are more dangerous than the cops and have a higher body count and YOU know where not to go and it’s within walking distance...MOVE....other people marching about abortion and giving money to the Ukraine - if you black or brown living in the hood...you are in a concentration camp - you are currently living in an area where our society expects you to live and die and as long as you stay within the confines of the “kill zone” (or the hood) your death is not only acceptable- it’s expected. You should have one thought - moving out of that area - even if you move to a all white all Asian all Indian area and they call you nigger all day....that’s better for you than being around black people that call you nigga and you have a higher risk of violent crime or murder....call me a sell out but I have lived in chiraq, LA, Oakland, atl, queens, DC,Seattle and Portland and worked with “at risk youth” (black and Latino) as part of a mentoring program...which ones do you think have a higher success rate? Not the programs with the most money...the ones that can pluck the kids out of the hood and show them that there is another world with lower crime and oddly just as many guns and drugs and maybe even poverty but less chance of dying....find that place...go there....escape the hood and look back with rose colored glasses but GTFO- until you can go back on your own terms...it’s one thing to be a prisoner it’s another to visit the jail. Btw this is also why I think so many Latinos and Asians move up the social economic ladder faster than some black people over a few generations...some Latinos and Asians are decedents of people fleeing a COUNTRY with a messed up situation - so they not tripping about leaving the block...
Get a job Work hard and hustle and invest consistently.... ‘thousand dollar bag with no cash in your purse’ - fail. Yada yada yada
rinse and mother fucking repeat
over a long ass time this is how black people progressed out of bondage in america into a diverse people with billionaire and tonnnnnssss of millionaires in our ranks- but if you don’t get educated, vote and move around they can marginalize you by gerrymandering elections cause they know where all the dumb people are and they take away your Power...
this crap works race....personally and over time for the group if people are consistent....