Republicans don't pretend they're the answer@Race Jones @ChicagoFigure @Inori @TheNightKing @Disanthrope @HellCzar @Ccslim
At this moment we need to think bigger than not voting or who’s FBA or who’s gay or the 3rd party. Our differences are what makes us who we are. We will never all be on the same page and there is nothing wrong with that. We need to accept that. We also need to understand democrats and republicans are not fighting over our vote. They are fighting to keep us in place. This is the most frustrating part because people do not realize this and think because a politician spoke to their issues they should be voted for.
To ignore a politicians history is to ignore your future and your kids future. We see this playing out now with Biden. So many promises can’t be kept because the majority ignored his history. We also have to tune out the elite in society. 99% of athletes and entertainers or wealthy individuals are distracting us.They either never knew what it was like to be in our position or are so far removed they can’t understand.
We also have to get out of our feelings. They play with our emotions to keep us in check and to stop any progress being made. There has been a lot of articles written based off this recent WSJ poll.
Hispanic Voters Now Evenly Split Between Parties, WSJ Poll Finds
Hispanic voters are no longer acting like a core Democratic voter group, a Wall Street Journal survey finds, a troubling development for the party, which has long counted on outsize Hispanic
Opinion | Did Trump Start a Political Earthquake With These Voters? (Published 2021)
How Hispanics became swing
I can post both articles in full if anyone is blocked from reading.
Basically, the Hispanic vote is split between democrats and republicans heading into the midterms. You can point out the sample size of the poll or whatever flaw you can find, but we all saw this happening in real time.
I want to use them as an example because they have family members being deported and some of them are being restricted due to their citizenship. They watched the whole border issue play out and heard everything Trump said about Hispanics.
So why is their vote split but ours is not? You would think after all they’ve seen and heard from Trump and the Republican Party they would refuse to support them. The democrats have given them a fancy new name with LatinX. Gave some of the dreamer status and have allowed them to work undocumented. You have democrats fighting to give them licenses and even let them vote. A promise to make 11 million Hispanics legal. Yet their vote is still split.
Even if 30% of us voted Republican ONLY in the primaries it would change the game. The refusal to hear another party out is going to make us irrelevant in the future..
Joe Biden told the CBC immediately after getting elected to go get with Hispanics. He knew when he said that we were irrelevant because our vote was locked in.
Democrats blame the (non) voters
Independent serves purposes other than actually winning elections.
It's a fucked up game