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College FB player kills trans person after sex

words mean things.

if a trans person has sex with an individual without their consent or while they are under the influence, that would be considered rape

having sex with someone that you assumed was a male or female can/would be considered sexual fraud or in some cases rape by deception

yet oftentimes in the court of law it doesnt constitute as rape because the act was absent of force

now some people do take these kinds of cases to court and are able to recieve a guilt verdict under the label of sexual assault
words mean things.

if a trans person has sex with an individual without their consent or while they are under the influence, that would be considered rape

having sex with someone that you assumed was a male or female can/would be considered sexual fraud or in some cases rape by deception

yet oftentimes in the court of law it doesnt constitute as rape because the act was absent of force

now some people do take these kinds of cases to court and are able to recieve a guilt verdict under the label of sexual assault


What happens if a dude meets a person. He thinks this person is a woman, but she is REALLY a transgender. He let's this person suck him off (thinkin it's a female), thus while being sucked off he reaches down and finds a dick.

The dude was mislead and is now very upset. What do you advise he do next?

@Race Jones
I don't think so

We are men. We have our pride and dignity

Jumpoff says "Im transgendered"

Most heterosexual men:


OR maybe

View attachment 560300

at least


Jumpoff says "Im transgendered"




What happens if a dude meets a person. He thinks this person is a woman, but she is REALLY a transgender. He let's this person suck him off (thinkin it's a female), thus while being sucked off he reaches down and finds a dick.

The dude was mislead and is now very upset. What do you advise he do next?

@Race Jones

im the wrong one to ask because im not a man.
im the wrong one to ask because im not a man.

I'm curious. What would your reaction be if you're in the early stages of dating a guy and he tells you last year he accidentally got head from a trans woman. You ask who it was and see the person, and they look like a woman... so you do think it was an accident.

But he tells you it was his fault for not asking, and him and the trans person are still friends. No biggie. How do you think you'd react?

Virginia Tech LB Isimemen David Etute was arrested back in June for a May incident in which he was accused of murdering a 40-year-old man.

Now, per The Roanoke Times, Etute has been indicted on a second-degree murder charge.

The report breaks down the charge and what happened during the May 31 incident:

A Montgomery County grand jury returned a true bill in considering the case, meaning that Etute, 18, will now be tried in the county’s Circuit Court. He has a hearing scheduled for Nov. 18 for attorneys to work out a timeline for the remainder of the case.
Etute, a Tech freshman, landed in the courts on June 2, when he was arrested for the May 31 killing of Jerry Paul Smith, a 40-year-old restaurant project manager. Attorneys have said Etute and Smith connected through the Tinder app, got together on April 10, and had oral sex. But Etute thought that he had met with a woman, not a man, according to statements at earlier hearings.
Etute has been under house arrest since being released from jail in June on bond. He has been suspended by Virginia Tech and has been away from the team for the entire season.

Details about the court trial will seemingly be decided during the Nov. 18 hearing.

Virginia Tech LB Isimemen David Etute was arrested back in June for a May incident in which he was accused of murdering a 40-year-old man.

Now, per The Roanoke Times, Etute has been indicted on a second-degree murder charge.

The report breaks down the charge and what happened during the May 31 incident:

Etute has been under house arrest since being released from jail in June on bond. He has been suspended by Virginia Tech and has been away from the team for the entire season.

Details about the court trial will seemingly be decided during the Nov. 18 hearing.
I think this young man has suffered enough.