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College FB player kills trans person after sex

you just wrote in a earlier post that you would either kill yourself or the trans person

make it make sense
jokes? Its not about killing but Czar would just go about his business. He wouldn't even reevaluate his life decisions, come on!
most men know when someone is of trans experience. there are key things that should stick out. maybe feet size, adams apple (if they havent had it shaved down) larger hands, voice inflection etc

i truly believe that 99.9% of men arent duped when it comes to engaging in sexual activity with a trans person

some even opt out of bottom surgery and ffs surgery

now are there trans people that are naturally feminine with smaller size features? sure but youre probably not encountering those women on the street.

most are worth top dollar etc

LMAOOOOO. "Take the white man out"

Go outside race, get some fresh air.

nigga youre in a thread salivating out your ass about killing a trans person

how about you tell your caregiver to take you on a daytime stroll for fresh air.

Listen up

Sir/maam (i wanna respect your pronouns) the concept of "trolling" only goes so far.

You actually broke character. You weren't being your normal over the top homotroll self when you typed that, that was you you. The true you.

Idk if you've had any...traumatic past experience, a jail bid gone wrong or whatever but my nigga

You are in the closet.

And til you admit it, I'm gonna roast tf outta for all your years of unprovoked disrespect. Once you admit it, I'll fall back cuz that's bullying but yea..


Did I take back what I said to make you type this? Cuz I’m missing it
most men know when someone is of trans experience. there are key things that should stick out. maybe feet size, adams apple (if they havent had it shaved down) larger hands, voice inflection etc

i truly believe that 99.9% of men arent duped when it comes to engaging in sexual activity with a trans person

some even opt out of bottom surgery and ffs surgery

now are there trans people that are naturally feminine with smaller size features? sure but youre probably not encountering those women on the street.

most are worth top dollar etc

nigga youre in a thread salivating out your ass about killing a trans person

how about you tell your caregiver to take you on a daytime stroll for fresh air.

