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Colin Kapernick Protest


If a company/organization/job shut someone up for speaking up for something that is wrong, something that can affect you and your family, you still supporting that company/business?

i told you, i agree with you, but you choosing to not watch will not evoke any change

the NFLPA should be the ones protesting. That's HIS union. Im not saying you shouldnt be involved in some other showing of a protest, but not watching football aint gon do nothing b/c you and the like minded dont represent the demo that the NFL caters to
i told you, i agree with you, but you choosing to not watch will not evoke any change

the NFLPA should be the ones protesting. That's HIS union. Im not saying you shouldnt be involved in some other showing of a protest, but not watching football aint gon do nothing b/c you and the like minded dont represent the demo that the NFL caters to


Breh you got to many loopholes, how you agree wit me and still will watch Lol

You contradicting yourself breh
his agent and the contract offers he passed on
are you serious?

he was never fired bruh, he opted out of his last year, and chose to make more money.....

him and his agent thought they could make more money on the free agent market....

dude could very easily still be playing this season had he not made that choice...

niggaz ain't boycotting cu he got fired... niggaz boycotting cuz he made a mistake on what he thoguht his worth was..


The league was notified in a letter sent to all teams by Kaepernick's representation, Select Sports Group. Thursday is the first day Kaepernick can opt out, and he has until the new league year begins March 9 to do it.

Kaepernick's contract was originally supposed to keep him with the Niners through 2020, but the team worked with the 29-year-old to revamp it before he reclaimed the starting job in October.

As part of the deal's reconfiguration, Kaepernick traded $14.5 million in injury guarantees during the 2017 season for the opportunity to opt out of the deal early. His decision saves the Niners his $14.5 million base salary in 2017 though he will still count nearly $2.5 million in dead money for the remainder of hi
You do know that he was going to get cut.

He went into the season not being the starter and he knew it was possible that he was going to be cut, new staff came on board, let's not pretend the 49ers and new coach that was coming into the organization was going to keep dude
bruh, he opted out......

if he had stayed on the squad and they cut him....then there would be a stronger claim.....

which is why i said it was loose at best....
You opt out to get picked up, you dont play out your last year .

What player in their prime years plays out the last year without an extension on the table of their contract in any sport?
this isn't a discussion on the morals of business contracts in football... let's not move the goal post....

it's about whether or not he was cut/fired or opted out.....

the communication was initiated by his agency.....they sent the letter..... not to negotiate...but to go freeagent

his personal agency team made that decision...... he was never forced out.....

that's my point
they even said great things about him as he went into free agency.....

and he had hella compliments for them too....

this ain't become an issue till social media made it one....

i can see if he was like fuck sanfransisco.... cracka ass crackas gave me an unfair shake....or if the team said due to his unprofessional behavior bla bla bla....

naw....these nigaz was bigging eachother up throguht the entire transaction

Breh you got to many loopholes, how you agree wit me and still will watch Lol

You contradicting yourself breh

1) for the second consecutive year, i will be doing all my watching via streaming, which may or may not be legal...so...the nfl doesnt see a dime off of me

2) again, the people who the NFL cater to are not boycotting. That is their bread which is why YOU and Chicity not watching wont mean a thing. The people they cater to wear jerseys on gameday sundays, fight at the games, and invest too much time into people they dream of meeting. I dont fit into any of those categories to the point where it wont matter if i watch or not.
this isn't a discussion on the morals of business contracts in football... let's not move the goal post....

it's about whether or not he was cut/fired or opted out.....

the communication was initiated by his agency.....they sent the letter..... not to negotiate...but to go freeagent

his personal agency team made that decision...... he was never forced out.....

that's my point

I am not understanding what you mean about morals of business contracts and how I am moving the goal post but cool.

The time frame for him to opt out was approaching breh, you will let teams know as a agent that your client is on the market and will test the FA agency market.

That's what all players agents do breh, let teams know that their client will test the waters, I'm not understanding what point you're trying to make by saying a letter was sent out. You do know this isn't the 1st time a letter has been sent out by an agent expressing to other teams that their client won't opt in
they even said great things about him as he went into free agency.....

and he had hella compliments for them too....

this ain't become an issue till social media made it one....

i can see if he was like fuck sanfransisco.... cracka ass crackas gave me an unfair shake....or if the team said due to his unprofessional behavior bla bla bla....

naw....these nigaz was bigging eachother up throguht the entire transaction

Nobody is making it out an issue, but fans that are not trying to see what the league is doing by painting a narrative as what you are stating.

You are saying it's an unfair shake because you're looking at it as the dude shouldn't opt'd out, when he's in his last year of contract? Again what player do you know that has put up numbers/had a good season in the previous season going into their last year in their current contract, still goes into their contract of its last year, without an extension on the table ? What player in any sport in their prime does this? Please name a big star or level B player that does this routine?
This is my point.

The reason we're protesting, is cause kap opted out.

He made a decision.

Had he finished out his contract, he could very well still be on the team and still kneeling....and we'd still be watching...

You never really know, cuz he made the decision to be a free agent.

Had he not made that decision, niggaz still be watching, and cops still be Fucking with black folk...

Only reason niggaz boycotting is cuz that nigga opted out....That's a fact
Kap was going to be cut, thus him opt'n out and testing the FA market breh, as I stated a new staff/coach was coming on board and they didn't see Kap being their guy even though the dude put up 16-4


Let's go with your narrative and let's say he does finish his last year in contract, how would have he still be on the team, when the team hadn't even offered him an extension? You don't let your QB finish out their last year in their contract and not have something on the table for them as I keep iterating, what player do you know that's in their prime heading into their final year, not opt-out if there's no extension or talks of trade on the table? Give me a player that's in their prime in any sport that just plays out their last year in their contract just to be ful-fulling it with no guarantee of a new one? You test the FA market when you know a team won't re-sign/trade you or will cut you thus what dude did.
Why would someone boy-cott because of one opt-in out? That makes no sense breh, ppl are boy-cotting because the owners are not fucking with him and it's clearly because he took a knee to shine light on the injustice in this country, ppl see through the BS. I can guarantee you breh, nobody's boycotting or even mad that Kap opt'd out of his contract because they know why he opt'd out of his contract which I stated why he did so.

imma watch the seahawks this weekend and kneel with michael bennett...

he's keeping the fight going....