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Added to Calendar: 07-18-24

I agreed he was petty AF when he joined LaRusso to spite his father and that he went too far against Miguel, although he showed multiple times some redeemable qualities all along the show: by first finally admitting the initial nature of his intents when he joined first LaRusso auto-dealership then the Miyagi-Do dojo, then after when he admitted having cockblocked Miguel's attempts to make it right at Sam.

He's a terribly jealous, impulsive delinquant kid and he need to pay for what he did to Miguel, but he's nowhere as terrible as Miguel, Sam and Aisha who can meant shit too (and far from being at the sociopathic level of Tory Silv-- uh Tory Barn- **RACKLES** Tory Nichols or even Eagle) . But I'm not hating him for either: actually I feel sorry for all of these teenagers, even for Eagle and Tory. Something must be wrong about these both society and generation to result in such venomous outbursts.

Whom to that time he left Sam drink the shit out of her-- okay that was stupid but the blame is primarily on Sam's head. Daniel needs to wake up and realize we're no longer living the (would-be) semi-chivalrous 1980s anymore and that women - or younger girls - can be sneaky and manipulative AF too. Blaming Robby for that just because he's the boy is just such an obsolete conception of interpersonal intersex relationship. Anyway, Robby asked her thrice to calm down with both her competitive mania (bordering on passive-agressive and even sometimes direct bullying) against Tory - because let me be clear: Sam is far from being a saint. She know what she does against Tory and over both Robby and Miguel's feelings most anytime and deep inside down, she somehow take a pleasure to be into this kind of shit, lest until Tory snapped out as usual over something that didn't needed such outcome. I mean, it was partly Miguel's fault, this time - and bad drinking habits. She dismissively and even agressively outstepped his tendency to be too nice and complacent toward every (ocassional) shit given by the LaRussos (due from one part, by the defiance Daniel have since he discovered he's Johnny son and initially tried to fool him, then to the other hand Sam having her poonami-makes-boys-crazy-so-I-profit-to-play-out-the-pretty-rich-regular-chore-girl mindset sometimes slipping every once and again) .

Then, to be honest, it it was not due to the fact she have at least inherited her father's somewhat-pricksty, stubborn, grudgeful, persnickety-over-people's-bad-qualities, yet-good-hearted-and-heroic personality I would eagerly consider her as the show's one true archenemesis. She reminds me of someone and it kind of really annoys me.

The fact that so many people are way much pissed off about Robby's shit than most anyone in this show starting with his girlfriend or Miguel's friends just baffles me.

Fuck Daniel, fuck his kids fuck robby.

Hawk took that bully shit too far...but Dimitri deserves some ass kicking.

Miguel you will pull through lil homie. Johnny trying to be a good nigga.
And danny took him in and he started fooling around with his daughter. Sneaking around that mans house. The ultimate disrespect. That boy ain't shit.

Daniel actually expected from the very beginning that Robby and Sam get romantically closer. He can't stand Miguel neither, based upon the fact he's a Cobra Kai and Johnny's protegee.

The issue that Daniel have with Robby is over the fact he's Johnny's son and that he tried to fool him once. In spite doing his best, Daniel still resents Robby for this: besides that, he's quite a trigger-happy judgmental guy when it comes about anything remotely related to Cobra Kai or Johnny, due to the traumas these people inflicted upon him in his youth.
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Miguel gonna have to fight in the special olympics from now on. Johnny a whole fuck boy he get from his mama. Watching two females fight is gonna be boring but if they have a story arc for the rise and revenge of Miguel I'll tune in.
Robbie wasn't as bad as y'all making him out to be. The only thing you can give him shit over is the medal thing. Yea he kicked Miguel over the bannister but that was an accident after a full out brawl.

And folks actin' like Miguel ain't some dirty ass shit to Robbie in the Karate tournament in season 1.

That nigga Miguel ain't no MF angel either.